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Is it possible to convert the dimensions that MeasureIt gives into text or mesh for manipulation?

In reality I would like to create dimensions on objects and output the image in Panorama to read in a 360 reading engine. So I am thinking if it is possible to convert the dimensions into text it ...
Bolariwan Aurèle LANIGNAN's user avatar
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Color changes when hovering over another object

Problem is, I like that color and want to keep it, but when layered in front of another object with the same material, the object suddenly changes color from the desired one to dark blueish. I guess ...
Мыслант Гигысли's user avatar
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Compositor file output node color override not working

I render out an image sequence in Multilayer EXR by using the File output node for export Denoise render pass but it always comes out in Linear Rec.709 transform Instead of AGX log. (I had set it to ...
WhiteWhale's user avatar
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Does adding too much node make rendering slower? [closed]

I added a lot of node on this one tutorial that I have been following and the render keeps on getting slower and slower. In the end, I have to restart the app because the render just wouldn't start.
Codeblues6's user avatar
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Frontface Culling Not Rendering (even with nodes)

Does just fine in everything else BUT Rendering - when in render, it just renders as if the culled frontface cuts through everything else behind it instead of showing it at all. Putting the viewport ...
secret_garden's user avatar
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Screen space reflection makes my object darker

I'm applying a texture which was set up by @ChristopherBennett. The texture works well (Using EEVEE Render) until I turn on space screen reflections, which makes it darker, and the objects loses it's ...
blender breath's user avatar
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Rendering Result varies vastly from what I see in the viewport when using Texture coordinate's "Generated"

I'm trying to get more into procedural texturing, and I found myself facing a problem where the texture I'm seeing in my viewport is diffrent from what is rendered. While trying to fix the problem, I ...
Niklas Friedrichs's user avatar
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Why doesn't my animation have the effects applied after compositing?

So, I have a video in MP4 format, and I put it into the compositing workspace. I want to render this video with the effects I applied in compositing, but every time the effects are not there, just ...
Miles-Morales's user avatar
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Backfacing outline not working in cycles

My outline is showing the whole object instead of just the outline, It works in eevee but I need it in cycles here is my node set up for the object: render result: viewport result: I want it to ...
yua's user avatar
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Jaggy edges, dull output after rendering

I did a company logo design but after rendering, the image was dull the edges of the design was too jaggy and rough. Light effect at the down right side of the image Again I like the image to have ...
Nwabuisi Cyprian's user avatar
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Transparent image shows black in viewport [duplicate]

Im not the best at blender but I've been hacking away at this issue to no avail. I have a transparent image as a texture in blender but in rendering it shows with a black background... I've researched ...
lyte swag's user avatar
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Compositor does not insert Render Layers node after checking Use Nodes

Blender 3.6.4 Windows 10 latest updates In Blender 3.6.4, after rendering in the image editor completes, I enter the Compositor and check Use Nodes, no Render Layers / Output node is inserted. If I do ...
Mark's user avatar
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How to bake "CLAY DOH" nodes to make animation? [closed]

I bought a Clay Doh nodes shader at blender market. The result is very nice, but this shader is basic on nodes. So I can't use it for animation. I saw his page said I can bake it as a bump map, but I ...
gary yang's user avatar
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Why isn't the value of colors in the color picker linear?

If you set the value of your color picker to 0.5, it shows on the right sidebar as being closer to 25%, definitely not in the middle. This is confusing coming from someone used to photoshop. If you ...
stackers's user avatar
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Im trying to put the image background in render

I tried to put it in transparent. I follow tutorials but I cant get with the render with the image in the background. I tried with the nodes but i cant put the layer of the iage background, I will ...
Pep's user avatar
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