Clean Aviation will build on the successful strategy of the Clean Sky programmes in cultivating an efficient and high-performing ecosystem approach which pulls together world class expertise, key technical skills, and the resourcefulness of participants through open, transparent and competitive Calls. It will allow the best specialists from across the aviation industry, research centres, universities, small and medium-sized enterprises, and other sectors to get involved in the challenging endeavour of achieving the programme’s goals.
If you are interested in responding to a Clean Aviation Call for Proposals, visit the dedicated Calls page or the Horizon Europe Funding and Tender Opportunities (F&T) Portal.
All Clean Aviation Calls will be launched through the F&T Portal and will be published in our Work Programme.
The 1st Call is open since 23rd March 2022 and it will close on 23 June 2022 at 17:00 (Brussels Time).
For procurement and grant procedures launched by the Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking, and applicable rules and templates, visit our Calls for Tenders page.
There are two ways to participate in the CA programme:
By applying to an open Call for Proposals launched by the CAJU which may result in case of selection in performing JU-funded Innovation Actions (IAs) and/or Coordination and Support Actions (CSAs). IAs will cover the technical topics and activities needed to implement the three “thrusts” of the CAJU programme, while CSAs will cover topics and activities in support of the programme. Members of the CAJU (Founding Members and Associated Members) as well as non-Members of the Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking are eligible to apply to the open calls for proposals subject to the eligibility conditions set under the CA work programme.
By submitting an application to the “Call for Expression of interest (CEI)” to become an Associated Member of CAJU [cfr question on “how can I become a Member”], foreseen in the 1st half of 2023. Associated Members will be selected following an assessment of their application and based on the documented key knowledge, experience and added value, key competences and capabilities, expected level of technical contribution to the CAJU objectives and “SRIA” High Level Objectives and their long-term financial and in-kind contribution to the JU. As mentioned above, Members are eligible to apply to the open calls for proposals.
The Clean Aviation will launch open Calls for Expression of Interest (CEI) to select additional Associated Members in line with Article 7 of the Single Basic Act (SBA) and to a decision of the Governing Board. The first call is foreseen in first half of 2023
In line with the procedure under Article 57.2 of the SBA, a total of 12 Associated Members were selected by the Governing Board at the 1st GB of 16th December 2021 from the list drawn up after the open call for expression of interest launched by the Commission prior to its establishment.
Applicants wishing to become Associated Members in the Clean Aviation JU and to engage to a Membership role in the CAJU and its rights and obligations as defined in the SBA should submit applications to the call for expression of interest (CEI) to be launched by the CAJU.
The applications will be assessed and selected by the CAJU under the authority of the Executive Director in line with Article 7.2 of the SBA following an evaluation process with the assistance of independent experts based on their documented key knowledge, experience and added value, key competences and capabilities, expected level of technical contribution to the CAJU objectives and “SRIA” High Level Objectives and ability to commit on long-term financial and in-kind contribution to the CAJU. The Associated Members will be required to sign a Letter of Commitment to the CAJU in accordance with Article 6.3 of the Single Basic Act.
More information and details are available in the CA work programme.
Existing tools and established networks are made available for participants to look for partners for their proposals:
- CA JU States Representative Group (SRG). Applicants can benefit from local support via the SRG: this group can guide applicants through the technical and administrative aspects of a Clean Aviation Call, as well as providing information on Info Days, areas of cooperation, and more. The list of representatives (incl. contact details) are published on our website: SRG members
- Partner search tools available on the Funding & Tenders portal. This tool offers applicants an outline to create a complete partner profile to be used for such searches. If an organisation wishes to encode their profile/partner search, they can do so by registering under ‘my organisations’: Partner search
- Network of National Contact Points (NCPs) is the main structure to provide guidance, practical information and assistance on all aspects of participation in Horizon Europe. NCPs are also established in many non-EU and non-associated countries ("third countries"). For the relevant NCP, applicants should conduct their search under “Climate, Energy & Mobility”: Network of NCPs
- Informal Group of RTD Liaison Offices (IGLO). This network is an informal association of Brussels-based non-profit R&D Liaison Offices. The aim of IGLO is to facilitate and enhance the interaction, information exchange and co-operation between Members of IGLO, their national research systems and the European institutions on issues related to EU RTD, in particular, the Framework Programme: IGLO Group
Applicants are also advised to regularly check the Clean Aviation JU website as a series of info days are planned during the Call Opening phase. These are timely opportunities for participants (large industry, SMEs, Research Organizations, Academia, etc.) interested in participating in the Programme to obtain the latest information about the CA JU Calls and Horizon Europe, exchange with the Clean Aviation JU and, depending on the organization hosting the info day, brokerage sessions and face-to-face meetings may also be foreseen.