Clean Aviation is the most significant, ambitious and integrated research and innovation partnership to date, connecting the European Union and Europe's aeronautics industry. It defines the most ambitious agenda related to aviation's transformation towards climate neutrality ever. This agenda, formalised under the structure of an institutionalised Public Private Partnership (PPP) and entrusted to a Joint Undertaking, comprises a membership and co-governance with clearly defined roles:
- The European Union is represented by the European Commission on the Clean Aviation Governing Board, and has specific rights in the decision-making process of the JU. The Commission contributes €1.7 billion to the Clean Aviation programme.
- The Private Members jointly commit to carrying out research and innovation activities, with the aim of achieving the high-level objectives as set out in the Council Regulation of the Joint Undertaking. They commit to providing in-kind contributions, contributing a total of at least €2.4 billion to the Clean Aviation partnership. They also commit to the development and deployment in the market of the disruptive technologies developed in Clean Aviation including new aircraft, engines and systems that pave the way to a climate neutral aviation system by 2050. The Private Members of the Clean Aviation JU are composed of Founding Members as listed in ANNEX I of the Council Regulation and Associated Members that are selected through Calls for Expression of Interest and join the JU subject to a decision of the Governing Board. Founding Members and Associated Members support the programme financially with in-kind contributions, contributing a total of at least €2.4 billion to Clean Aviation.
Participation in the programme will be based on the selection of proposals submitted to open, competitive calls. These calls will be open to members as well as non-members. For more information consult the Clean Aviation Work Programme.