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Calling a method only once in an updateScore function in SpriteKit

This works fine, but obviously it's messy and I'm thinking there has to be a better way to do this. Having to constantly remember to flip the bool back is a pain, is there anything else I can do here? ...
GarySabo's user avatar
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Moves box in direction of touch, and has wraparound when reaching edge of screen

Part of me thinks that it would be simpler to ditch Apple's move API and just updated position with a timer. I know that's what I did with a JS canvas snake game I built a while ago. But I'm also ...
MCB's user avatar
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Subclass SKSpriteNode

I decided to subclass SKSpriteNode for a game test in Swift today and soon realised that it was not as simple as my Objective-C background suggested. After a little ...
fuzzygoat's user avatar
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Calculating delta in SpriteKit using Swift

I am attempting to learn swift by refactoring one of my old games and I need to rewrite my update method which calculates a delta time. This code works but is ugly. ...
Kyle Decot's user avatar
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User Interface for Strategy Game

I've been working a strategy game for iOS for a little while, and each time I add functionality to the game model I'm finding myself building a lot of UI code to sync up with it. I believe that my ...
bazola's user avatar
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