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Questions tagged [sprite-kit]

SpriteKit is a framework for making 2D games that comes built-in to iOS 7. It has sprite support, support for special effects like videos, filters, and masking, an integrated physics library, and a lot more.

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SKAction on SKLabel with array of Strings

I have an SKLabel attached to a parent SKNode and an array of strings: ...
μολὼν.λαβέ's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Boolean array, NAND of [SKSpritenodes]

I'm using spritekit, using on touch to detect what the users has tapped, ie., no collisions, etc. I have an array of sprite nodes which in effect is a multi-state boolean switch for now the user ...
μολὼν.λαβέ's user avatar
54 votes
1 answer

Swiftly turning wheels – The May 2017 Community Challenge

This is my attempt at the May 2017 Community Challenge in Swift, with a chain consisting of rigid links. I took this as an opportunity to learn SpriteKit, Apple's framework for 2D games. At least ...
Martin R's user avatar
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Calling a method only once in an updateScore function in SpriteKit

This works fine, but obviously it's messy and I'm thinking there has to be a better way to do this. Having to constantly remember to flip the bool back is a pain, is there anything else I can do here? ...
GarySabo's user avatar
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didSimulatePhysics to animate a ball, taking 45% of CPU

According to my time profiler this is taking 45% of my cpu usage: have tried to optimize, and someone on stack overflow -- recommended to post here. Time profiler says 99% of the time is spent on the ...
BARCODE's user avatar
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Vertical-scrolling 2D platform game

I am working on a vertical-scrolling 2D platform game using GameplayKit, SpriteKit and I am writing it in Swift 2.0. Today I ...
Simon Kemper's user avatar
3 votes
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Creating a class which has a method running every frame

I’m working in Objective-C, SKSpriteKit and am trying to create a class which will work in both OS X and iOS for flexibility. ...
Shuri2060's user avatar
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Moves box in direction of touch, and has wraparound when reaching edge of screen

Part of me thinks that it would be simpler to ditch Apple's move API and just updated position with a timer. I know that's what I did with a JS canvas snake game I built a while ago. But I'm also ...
MCB's user avatar
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2 answers

Sprite-Kit/Swift game

I was writing a game in Swift and Sprite Kit and it is very simple. It works perfectly other than the fact that it gets a bit laggy sometimes. I'd like to use this experience as both a learning tool, ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Animated Score Amounts for Game

This is a simple class for a label with a score that animates counting up or down. When someone in the game scores points, the numbers count up or down to the new total. Here is an example of what ...
bazola's user avatar
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11 votes
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Bedazzling My Bejeweled Animations

I've spent a few days working on the animations for my Bejeweled clone and I am pretty happy with the results so I am posting the code for review. This is the most advanced animation code that I have ...
bazola's user avatar
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2 votes
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Subclass SKSpriteNode

I decided to subclass SKSpriteNode for a game test in Swift today and soon realised that it was not as simple as my Objective-C background suggested. After a little ...
fuzzygoat's user avatar
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Dirty but Efficient Texture Atlas in Spritekit

I have spent quite a bit of time trying to optimize the performance of my 2D mining game. After a lot of research, experimentation, and testing, I finally found something very interesting that ...
bazola's user avatar
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7 votes
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Multithreading in a 2D Mining Game

I have implemented some basic multithreading in my 2D mining game that I asked about in a previous question. The first part is working out great (creating the initial object instances in the ...
bazola's user avatar
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10 votes
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Chunk Loader for 2D Mining Game

I've spent a couple days on my latest project, and I believe that I have achieved a sufficient level of efficiency to post it here for review. The idea of the game is to mine out an "infinite" world ...
bazola's user avatar
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