I've got a ball rolling along a flat surface towards a wall. If the ball collides with the wall, it always bounces perpendicular to the wall, no matter what it's velocity before, instead of following the angle of reflection.
Here is the relevant information about the ball: Non-Kinematic Rigidbody Collisions set to Continuous Physic Material with 0.6 friction and 0.7 bounciness Combine Modes are both average
And the wall: Non-Kinematic Rigidbody Collisions set to Continuous Physic Material with 0.6 friction and 0.7 bounciness Combine Modes are both average
I can probably manually check for collisions and change the velocity along the angle using Vector3.reflect, but this should be something the Unity Physics engine handles if I can figure out how. Is there anything that can be done in-engine to get the bounce angles to set properly?