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Questions tagged [unity]

Unity is a cross-platform game creation system that focuses on easy art pipeline process. It consists of a game engine and an integrated development environment. The game engine's scripting is built on Mono.

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How to Prevent Character Controller Descent at Platform Edges When Using a Capsule Collider

CONTEXT: I am implementing a basic 3D character controller from scratch in unity. For collisions, I do a capsule cast in the direction of the player velocity and use the collide and slide algorithm to ...
Numdoo's user avatar
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Friction not applied in fast collisions using Continuous collision detection modes

Starting in Unity 2022.3 versions, this started happening - In my scenario, I have a ball bouncing on a surface (e.g on concrete) and no matter what the friction values are, the ball basically ignores ...
Omer Simchoni's user avatar
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Issue with Removing Elements from a List

I'm trying to create a list for scheduled actions in a game, but when I try to remove any element from the list, I get an error: ...
Ahmed Dyaa's user avatar
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Remove group of elements from list

What is the best way, in terms of performance, to remove a list (a group of elements such as integers or strings) from another list, other than using for or foreach loops? For example, is there a ...
Ahmed Dyaa's user avatar
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Why are Time.realtimeSinceStartup and Time.realtimeSinceStartupAsDouble so slow when called repeatedly?

I have the following Update() code which calculates the approximate number of loops per second: ...
user27520763's user avatar
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Character Controller isGrounded reports false when descending slopes

I encountered a problem in Unity related to the Character Controller, namely with checking whether the player is on the ground or not (isGrounded). A player walking down a slope with a minimum angle ...
Dexport's user avatar
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How to feed lightmap in GPU instanced meshes in Unity?

Unity's documentation state that GPU Instancing supports baked lighting: Since Unity 2018.1, Global Illumination (GI) rendering is supported by GPU Instancing in the form of light probes, occlusion ...
bryx19's user avatar
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How do I load assets in a specific scene using Addressables without needing to instantiate anything given a handful of different GameObjects?

I’ve looked at several tutorials regarding Addressables and it seems that loading an asset revolves around referencing it in the inspector, loading it in, and then finally instantiating it but putting ...
mtg's user avatar
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Why does my character not move together with the moving platform?

I have a game with a player controlled by a CharacterController. I also have a MovingPlatform. When the player lands on the moving platform, it becomes a child object of it, so that it should move ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
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Designing a buff/debuff system in a multiplayer game

I'm new to netcode and game dev and I'd like some input on a multiplayer buff/debuff system I'm working on in Unity, using NGO with a dedicated server. I aim to use a server authoritative architecture ...
Sean2148's user avatar
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Inconsistent jump height when rotating character left or right

I am developing an endless runner mobile game, Similar to Subway Surfers. I make my player character rotate slightly left or right and then return to facing forward when sliding left or right. The ...
Achie1's user avatar
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Problem Linking Separately Exported Armor to Character Rig in Unity

I’ve been struggling with export issue between Blender and Unity, and I’d appreciate some help. What I’m Trying to Do: I’ve created a character and a chest armor piece in Blender. Both are rigged to ...
Hasan Huseyin Ozkaya's user avatar
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Converting a Transform from Unity's Coordinate System to Unreal Engine's

I am trying to convert a transform from the Unity Coordinate System to the Unreal Engine Coordinate System (and others). Ideally, I want to take a position, rotation (in Euler angles), and a scale as ...
Benjamin Danger Johnson's user avatar
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how to efficiently find prefabs that are using a script in Unity?

In Unity, is there an efficient way to find all prefabs that are using a specific script component? One easy but inefficient way is to iterate e.g in Bash, all the .prefab files in the project, and ...
kyopa's user avatar
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How should I go about handling multiple phone resolutions from a reference resolution?

I built my entire game in Unity based on my Android phone resolution, both for UI and object sizes. Now, everything looks good for a 1080 x 2400 resolution, but I know that's not the aspect ratio of ...
Usylom's user avatar
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