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Questions tagged [character-controller]

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How to Prevent Character Controller Descent at Platform Edges When Using a Capsule Collider

CONTEXT: I am implementing a basic 3D character controller from scratch in unity. For collisions, I do a capsule cast in the direction of the player velocity and use the collide and slide algorithm to ...
Numdoo's user avatar
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Character Controller isGrounded reports false when descending slopes

I encountered a problem in Unity related to the Character Controller, namely with checking whether the player is on the ground or not (isGrounded). A player walking down a slope with a minimum angle ...
Dexport's user avatar
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Why does my character not move together with the moving platform?

I have a game with a player controlled by a CharacterController. I also have a MovingPlatform. When the player lands on the moving platform, it becomes a child object of it, so that it should move ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
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Inconsistent jump height when rotating character left or right

I am developing an endless runner mobile game, Similar to Subway Surfers. I make my player character rotate slightly left or right and then return to facing forward when sliding left or right. The ...
Achie1's user avatar
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Character Controller teleporting above ground

I have a capsule gameobject with character controller component and capsule collider, both with default settings, and a child camera object. When I move my character it randomly teleports to 0.33 on ...
user25832's user avatar
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Should a CharacterBody3D be the root of a character, or a child node?

I'm watching a tutorial on setting up a 3D player character in Godot, and at around 7:45, it shows CharacterBody3D as the root node. I'm wondering if this is ...
NobleAbsinthe's user avatar
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Character Controller Pro shakes on both host and client using Photon Fusion

I'm using Character Controller Pro in a multiplayer game built with Photon Fusion. The plugin works well for player animations like movement, rotation, and crouch, but I’m facing an issue with player ...
Rahul Chauhan's user avatar
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Attempting to create GravityZone that affects Player Character Controller

Attempting to have a platform exhibit gravity behaviors. Here is what I have... I have a Player that has a Character Controller Component (Not rigidbody) Now I also have this script that I took from a ...
Anthony's user avatar
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In Unity, how can a regular RigidBody know if it collided with a CharacterController?

I have a Unity CharacterController, that can detect collisions using the following code: ...
Kokodoko's user avatar
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How to implement 3rd person animation with acceleration from walk to run?

I am new to Unity and I am using dr Penny de Byl's lectures on Unity. I am trying to use a Mixamo character. I downloaded a character with skin as an fbx file, and also added some character movement ...
Varnika Chabria's user avatar
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How to move a Rigidbody forward using Bullet Physics

I'm currently developing a character controller for my game framework, and I'm utilizing the Bullet Physics engine for the physics simulation. In the process of adjusting the velocity, I aim to enable ...
Wagner Andreas's user avatar
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Weird corkscrew rotation on my fps controller

I recently started work on a new game and was making a first person controller. However, this problem came up. My problem I played around with it and followed multiple tutorials, but none worked. ...
Donkey45's user avatar
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First person jump only works at certain angles

I'm making a basic 3D First Person project using the movement code below, but I can only jump at a certain angle. How can I fix this so that my character can jump anywhere? ...
MarsDarklighter's user avatar
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Character controller that can handle sloped terrain and boxy ledge traversal

I am working on a character controller for a 3D platformer in Unity. I cannot find an approach that satisfies me. I have experimented with these approaches in order to learn about their virtues and ...
DyingIsFun's user avatar
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How are character controllers built upon complex gameplay systems?

I would like some industry advice. I feel like the starting part to every game I create is the character controller. My goal is to create a solid base character controller that I can expand upon for ...
Jacob Edie's user avatar

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