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Questions tagged [scams]

A scam is a fraudulent business or scheme that takes money or other goods from an unsuspecting person. Related tag is "fraud",

0 votes
2 answers

A "remote" employer asking for money before paying me - is it a scam?

So I started working at this remote job. It's giving real online data to boost up merchant products. Then, I started doing my training days, after that I was given (money) credit for the majority of ...
Noemi Chavez's user avatar
-1 votes
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This "installment loan provider" has stated that they need to make a deposit of anywhere from 200 to 400 which I am required to send back

They want me to send it back using a prepaid card, Cash App, or something of that nature. They are telling me the reason is my "low" credit rating and that it's for PPI Insurance, and once ...
Aliza Dunn's user avatar
20 votes
4 answers

How does this Paypal guest checkout scam work?

Yesterday I noticed that someone used a Paypal "Guest" checkout with my bank details (IBAN) via SEPA to buy goods worth ~60€ and ship them to an old address of mine. The purchase was made at ...
DonQuiKong's user avatar
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Changed name tag on doorbell - is this a known scam?

A friend of mine just told me that her packages could not be delivered because it seemed she did not reside at the address. After investigation, she found that someone glued another name tag over her ...
Lehue's user avatar
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2 answers

Are they able to use that information to write a check?

If I send someone my name, email, address, phone number, and bank name on a suspicious website, are they able to use that information to forge a check?
Layla Bhengu's user avatar
13 votes
7 answers

How to protect against fake gold bars?

Most Minted Gold such as PAMP comes with QR code for authentication. You simply scan the QR code at the back of the packet and it gives you the certificate in the app. My question is what's stopping ...
gfdsal's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How can an ad for "$6,000 off MSRP" not mean $6,000 off MSRP?

I was drawn to a new car dealership because of this ad: "Big end-of-year sale, $6,000 off MSRP on 2024 (models)"1 1 Must finance with us. (small text) So I asked to see the car in the car ...
Village's user avatar
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Is Secure Capital Bank Legit?

Just curious due to it being a private bank? Want to know if it is recognized?
Muller Ferreira's user avatar
21 votes
6 answers

Is there any way to get money back from WhatsApp scammers?

Is there any way to get money back from money launderers? I joined a group on Whatsapp and they offered money for likes and follows on instagram. They then offer advanced tasks where you send them ...
shwjwododnwn's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

Is this hurried effort to buy my car a scam?

I recently bought a used car to replace my wife's 20-year old Honda. By the time I went to the dealer I ultimately purchased from, I had visited 3 dealerships and test drove a bunch of cars. The sale ...
cr0's user avatar
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2 answers

My "online girlfriend" is asking me to convert incoming money on Cash App into bitcoin for her. Is it a scam? [duplicate]

My online girlfriend has people send me money through Cash App. I then buy bitcoin and send it to her. Is this a scam? When I met her online she wanted me to download Cash App which I never used ...
Ronald Sproles's user avatar
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1 answer

is Arton bank is a legit bank [duplicate]

I got a Grant Release Approval (G.R.A) Code from donation board called Alwaleed Bin Talal International Charity and asked me to FILL THE GRANT FORM  AND CONTACT THE ARTON BANK FOR PAYMENT via Email: ...
Ahmed Awaise's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Is this roofing company trying to scam?

So a friend had a roofing company come by a couple months after hail hit area. They checked roof and there was damage. Insurance company came out and they verified damage and itemized the work ...
blankip's user avatar
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Friend in need asks me to buy bitcoins with money someone deposited in my bank account. Is this a scam?

Friend I know and trust is out of country needs money, borrowed it from coworker who deposited it into my bank. $135,000.00 Friend said buy bitcoin with it for him
Nell Spice's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Sent money to rent an apartment, landlord delaying refund with excuses. Is this a scam?

So we were looking for an apartment and we sent 1500 to a person that said he would rent the apartment but then he said that his previous tenant had corona so we can't rent the apartment. From that ...
Adam Zimbakov's user avatar

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