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Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

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Coredns etcd plugin not resolving CNAME entries

I have a stack set up with external-dns -> etcd -> coredns via etcd plugin. A records resolve correctly, but all CNAME records only return NOERROR and no value even though the CNAME's target is ...
LH_'s user avatar
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In kubernetes: protect a program that runs on port 3000 using Traefik, Cert Manager, and http challenge

Hello and thank you for your time. I will try to explain what is my experiment. In kubernetes I have an app deployed. I can reach it with a load balancer. And using traefik I can reach it via http. I ...
Malkavian's user avatar
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Openvpn client into kubernenetes pods

I’m relatively new to networking and Kubernetes, but I need to perform a load test on an OpenVPN server. Here’s what I’ve done so far: I created a Docker image that includes an OpenVPN client. I set ...
Julien's user avatar
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Error when creating Kubernetes Ingress resource (no matches for kind "Ingress")

In a cluster kubernetes environment I have Traefik v3.2.1 and CertManager 1.16.1 and a program I am testing. when I try to apply this file: 022-red-ing.yml I get this error: error: error validating &...
Malkavian's user avatar
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Kubernetes and Traefik creating an appropriate Ingress resource for an application

I am running a kubernetes cluster and have a TestApplication that runs on TestPort (3000 actually). I managed to get Traefik v3.2.1 up and running and CertManager 1.16.1 with http challenge to ...
Malkavian's user avatar
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kubernetes configure traefikv3 to act as an ingress provider

I got a kubernetes cluster running and I would like to expose a service. I have a TestApplication that runs on port TestPort 3000. How do I configure Traefik to act as an ingress provider? in the ...
Malkavian's user avatar
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How to replicate ZFS-based PVCs created by OpenEBS LocalPV CSI across nodes for disaster recovery?

I have a multi-region, bare-metal Kubernetes cluster that uses Tailscale and flannel for cross-node networking. For storage, I’m using the OpenEBS LocalPV ZFS CSI driver on two specific worker nodes, ...
007chungking's user avatar
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keda-add-ons-http-interceptor pods are in CrashLoopBackOff - nost sure what is missing here

{"level":"info","ts":1733906885.9611363,"caller":"interceptor/main.go:44","msg":"starting interceptor","timeoutConfig":{&...
Abhinav Anshuman's user avatar
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Pod fails with FailedMount on PVC from Azure Blob Storage in Microk8s

I'm currently learning Kubernetes and getting the hang of it by setting up a Microk8s cluster on test machines I have. I'd like to be cloud-agnostic with compute resources in the cluster, so they are ...
Professional_Fan5206's user avatar
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pgAdmin4 in Kubernetes says Refused to execute script, strict MIME type checking is enabled?

I am trying to run pgAdmin4 in Kubernetes but i always get "Refused to execute script, strict MIME type checking is enabled?" error and other errors. According to strict MIME type checking ...
user6266369's user avatar
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Grafana Dashboard queries don't work in browser but work through curl/postman

Setup I initially had TIG-stack (Telegraf, InfluxDB and Grafana) deployed in a Linux server where it worked as expected. I've recently deployed it on OKD (OpenShift upstream). I have several ...
Anas's user avatar
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Why is Kubernetes Vault ClusterIssuer reusing/reissuing revoked certificate?

I have set up Vault inside kubernetes, and a ClusterIssuer that works as expected. apiVersion: kind: ClusterIssuer metadata: name: vault-cluster-issuer namespace: cert-manager ...
Anders Bornholm's user avatar
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Protect Application With Traefik SSL Letsencrypt in kubernetes

I just begun learning kubernetes. I made an account in digital-ocean and started a kubernetes cluster. Then I tried following this article
Malkavian's user avatar
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Spark executoras are not spawn on Kubernetes worker node

I have a kubernetes cluster and I am running a spark connect server on the cluster using the client mode. The problem is that the spark worker nodes are not spawned on the Kubernetes worker node and ...
Mah_Bar's user avatar
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K8 master node CreatePodSandbox for pod failed

I have a k8 practice cluster that I set up on a plain machine. I am having issues with the master node. Firstly, there was no kubelet.service and kubelet.service.d in the /etc/systemd/system directory ...
Blade1024's user avatar

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