For the first time in my life I find myself in a position where I'm writing a Java API that will be open sourced. Hopefully to be included in many other projects.

For logging I (and indeed the people I work with) have always used JUL (java.util.logging) and never had any issues with it. However now I need to understand in more detail what I should do for my API development. I've done some research on this and with the information I've got I just get more confused. Hence this post.

Since I come from JUL I'm biased on that. My knowledge of the rest is not that big.

From the research I've done I've come up with these reasons why people do not like JUL:

  1. "I started developing in Java long before Sun released JUL and it was just easier for me to continue with logging-framework-X rather than to learn something new". Hmm. I'm not kidding, this is actually what people say. With this argument we could all be doing COBOL. (however I can certainly relate to this being a lazy dude myself)

  2. "I don't like the names of the logging levels in JUL". Ok, seriously, this is just not enough of a reason to introduce a new dependency.

  3. "I don't like the standard format of the output from JUL". Hmm. This is just configuration. You do not even have to do anything code-wise. (true, back in old days you may have had to create your own Formatter class to get it right).

  4. "I use other libraries that also use logging-framework-X so I thought it easier just to use that one". This is a circular argument, isn't ? Why does 'everybody' use logging-framework-X and not JUL?

  5. "Everybody else is using logging-framework-X". This to me is just a special case of the above. Majority is not always right.

So the real big question is why not JUL?. What is it I have missed ? The raison d'être for logging facades (SLF4J, JCL) is that multiple logging implementations have existed historically and the reason for that really goes back to the era before JUL as I see it. If JUL was perfect then logging facades wouldn't exist, or what? To make matters more confusing JUL is to some extent a facade itself, allowing Handlers, Formatters and even the LogManager to be swapped.

Rather than embracing multiple ways of doing the same thing (logging), shouldn't we question why they were necessary in the first place? (and see if those reasons still exist)

Ok, my research so far has led to a couple of things that I can see may be real issues with JUL:

  1. Performance. Some say that performance in SLF4J is superior to the rest. This seems to me to be a case of premature optimization. If you need to log hundreds of megabytes per second then I'm not sure you are on the right path anyway. JUL has also evolved and the tests you did on Java 1.4 may no longer be true. You can read about it here and this fix has made it into Java 7. Many also talk about the overhead of string concatenation in logging methods. However template based logging avoids this cost and it exist also in JUL. Personally I never really write template based logging. Too lazy for that. For example if I do this with JUL:

     log.finest("Lookup request from username=" + username 
        + ", valueX=" + valueX
        + ", valueY=" + valueY));

    my IDE will warn me and ask permission that it should change it to:

     log.log(Level.FINEST, "Lookup request from username={0}, valueX={1}, valueY={2}", 
        new Object[]{username, valueX, valueY});

    .. which I will of course accept. Permission granted ! Thank you for your help.

    So I don't actually write such statements myself, that is done by the IDE.

    In conclusion on the issue of performance I haven't found anything that would suggest that JUL's performance is not ok compared to the competition.

  2. Configuration from classpath. Out-of-the-box JUL cannot load a configuration file from the classpath. It is a few lines of code to make it do so. I can see why this may be annoying but the solution is short and simple.

  3. Availability of output handlers. JUL comes with 5 output handlers out-of-the-box: console, file stream, socket and memory. These can be extended or new ones can be written. This may for example be writing to UNIX/Linux Syslog and Windows Event Log. I have personally never had this requirement nor have I seen it used but I can certainly relate to why it may be a useful feature. Logback comes with an appender for Syslog for example. Still I would argue that

    1. 99.5% of the needs for output destinations are covered by what is in JUL out-of-the-box.
    2. Special needs could be catered for by custom handlers on top of JUL rather than on top of something else. There's nothing to me that suggests that it takes more time to write a Syslog output handler for JUL than it does for another logging framework.

I'm really concerned that there's something I've overlooked. The use of logging facades and logging implementations other than JUL is so widespread that I have to come to the conclusion that it's me who just doesn't understand. That wouldn't be the first time, I'm afraid. :-)

So what should I do with my API? I want it to become successful. I can of course just "go with the flow" and implement SLF4J (which seems the most popular these days) but for my own sake I still need to understand exactly what is wrong with the JUL of today that warrants all the fuzz? Will I sabotage myself by choosing JUL for my library ?

Testing performance

(section added by nolan600 on 07-JUL-2012)

There's a reference below from Ceki about SLF4J's parametrization being 10 times or more faster than JUL's. So I've started doing some simple tests. At first glance the claim is certainly correct. Here are the preliminary results (but read on!):

  • Execution time SLF4J, backend Logback: 1515
  • Execution time SLF4J, backend JUL: 12938
  • Execution time JUL: 16911

The numbers above are msecs so less is better. So 10 times performance difference is by first actually pretty close. My initial reaction: That is a lot !

Here is the core of the test. As can be seen an integer and a string is construted in a loop which is then used in the log statement:

    for (int i = 0; i < noOfExecutions; i++) {
        for (char x=32; x<88; x++) {
            String someString = Character.toString(x);
            // here we log 

(I wanted the log statement to have both a primitive data type (in this case an int) and a more complex data type (in this case a String). Not sure it matters but there you have it.)

The log statement for SLF4J:

logger.info("Logging {} and {} ", i, someString);

The log statement for JUL:

logger.log(Level.INFO, "Logging {0} and {1}", new Object[]{i, someString});

The JVM was 'warmed up' with the same test executed once before the actual measurement was done. Java 1.7.03 was used on Windows 7. Latest versions of SLF4J (v1.6.6) and Logback (v1.0.6) was used. Stdout and stderr was redirected to null device.

However, careful now, it turns out JUL is spending most of its time in getSourceClassName() because JUL by default prints the source class name in the output, while Logback doesn't. So we are comparing apples and oranges. I have to do the test again and configure the logging implementations in a similar manner so that they actually output the same stuff. I do however suspect that SLF4J+Logback will still come out on top but far from the initial numbers as given above. Stay tuned.

Btw: The test was first time I've actually worked with SLF4J or Logback. A pleasant experience. JUL is certainly a lot less welcoming when you are starting out.

Testing performance (part 2)

(section added by nolan600 on 08-JUL-2012)

As it turns out it doesn't really matter for performance how you configure your pattern in JUL, i.e. whether or not it includes the source name or not. I tried with a very simple pattern:

java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter.format="%4$s: %5$s [%1$tc]%n"

and that did not change the above timings at all. My profiler revealed that the logger still spent a lot of time in calls to getSourceClassName() even if this was not part of my pattern. The pattern doesn't matter.

I'm therefore concluding on the issue of performance that at least for the tested template based log statement there seems to be roughly a factor of 10 in real performance difference between JUL (slow) and SLF4J+Logback (quick). Just like Ceki said.

I can also see another thing namely that SLF4J's getLogger() call is a lot more expensive than JUL's ditto. (95 ms vs 0.3 ms if my profiler is accurate). This makes sense. SLF4J has to do some time on the binding of the underlying logging implementation. This doesn't scare me. These calls should be somewhat rare in the lifetime of an application. The fastness should be in the actual log calls.

Final conclusion

(section added by peterh on 08-JUL-2012)

Thank you for all your answers. Contrary to what I initially thought I've ended up deciding to use SLF4J for my API. This is based on a number of things and your input:

  1. It gives flexibility to choose log implementation at deployment time.

  2. Issues with lack of flexibility of JUL's configuration when run inside an application server.

  3. SLF4J is certainly a lot faster as detailed above in particular if you couple it with Logback. Even if this was just a rough test I have reason to believe that a lot more effort has gone into optimization on SLF4J+Logback than on JUL.

  4. Documentation. The documentation for SLF4J is simply a lot more comprehensive and precise.

  5. Pattern flexibility. As I did the tests I set out to have JUL mimic the default pattern from Logback. This pattern includes the name of the thread. It turns out JUL cannot do this out of the box. Ok, I haven't missed it until now, but I don't think it is a thing that should be missing from a log framework. Period!

  6. Most (or many) Java projects today use Maven so adding a dependency is not that big a thing especially if that dependency is rather stable, i.e. doesn't constantly change its API. This seems to be true for SLF4J. Also the SLF4J jar and friends are small in size.

So the strange thing that happened was that I actually got quite upset with JUL after having worked a bit with SLF4J. I still regret that it has to be this way with JUL. JUL is far from perfect but kind of does the job. Just not quite well enough. The same can be said about Properties as an example but we do not think about abstracting that so people can plug in their own configuration library and what have you. I think the reason is that Properties comes in just above the bar while the opposite is true for JUL of today ... and in the past it came in at zero because it didn't exist.

Final-final conclusion (maybe)

(section added by peterh on 02-OCT-2022)

Java 9 introduced the System.Logger which is intended as a facade to logging implementations. Hence, as far as I can tell, it competes with SLF4J, but has the advantage that it is included with the JDK. So perhaps library developers should use System.Logger rather than SLF4J ?

I find this blog post by Renato Athaydes to explain it quite well. (btw: the bug in the Log4j-v2 bridge mentioned by Renato seems to have been fixed with v2.13.2 of Log4j v2)

  • 9
    I won't ask a closing, as this well presented question is interesting, but it's borderline if you read the FAQ : it will be hard to find a definitive unique answer not based on opinions. Commented Jul 6, 2012 at 9:10
  • What you may have missed is that many framework authors gave up trying to use JUL and thus it's often harder to use it if you don't simply make vanilla java. Commented Jul 6, 2012 at 9:14
  • 3
    It is misleading to use the generic term "logging-framework-X" when referring to to popular logging framework(s) predating jul. You should use "log4j" in this case. Other popular frameworks such as SLF4J and logback came well after j.u.l was released.
    – Ceki
    Commented Jul 6, 2012 at 11:26
  • 1
    @Acuariano. Netty project is simply using Reflection to test what logging framework is available on classpath. See here for source. See InternalLoggerFactory.java.
    – peterh
    Commented Jun 28, 2016 at 14:54
  • 4
    @xenoterracide even more important would be an update to Java 9, as it introduced java.lang.System.Logger, which is an interface, which can be redirected to whatever actual logging framework you want, as long as that framework caught up and provides an implementation of that interface. Combined with the modularization, you could even deploy an application with a bundled JRE not containing java.util.logging, if you prefer a different framework.
    – Holger
    Commented Feb 14, 2020 at 9:41

6 Answers 6


Disclaimer: I am the founder of log4j, SLF4J and logback projects.

There are objective reasons for preferring SLF4J. For one, SLF4J allows the end-user the liberty to choose the underlying logging framework. In addition, savvier users tend to prefer logback which offers capabilities beyond log4j, with j.u.l falling way behind. Feature-wise j.u.l may be sufficient for some users but for many others it just isn't. In a nutshell, if logging is important to you, you would want to use SLF4J with logback as the underlying implementation. If logging is unimportant, j.u.l is fine.

However, as an oss developer, you need to take into account the preferences of your users and not just your own. It follows that you should adopt SLF4J not because you are convinced that SLF4J is better than j.u.l but because most Java developers currently (July 2012) prefer SLF4J as their logging API. If ultimately you decide not to care about popular opinion, consider the following facts:

  1. those who prefer j.u.l do so out of convenience because j.u.l is bundled with the JDK. To my knowledge there are no other objective arguments in favor of j.u.l.
  2. your own preference for j.u.l is just that, a preference.

Thus, holding "hard facts" above public opinion, while seemingly brave, is a logical fallacy in this case.

If still not convinced, JB Nizet makes an additional and potent argument:

Except the end user could have already done this customization for his own code, or another library that uses log4j or logback. j.u.l is extensible, but having to extend logback, j.u.l, log4j and God only knows which other logging framework because he uses four libraries that use four different logging frameworks is cumbersome. By using SLF4J, you allow him to configure the logging frameworks he wants, not the one you have chosen. Remember that a typical project uses myriads of libraries, and not just yours.

If for whatever reason you hate the SLF4J API and using it will snuff the fun out of your work, then by all means go for j.u.l. After all, there are means to redirect j.u.l to SLF4J.

By the way, j.u.l parametrization is at least 10 times slower than SLF4J's which ends up making a noticeable difference.

  • 6
    @Ceki you may want to elaborate a bit on your disclaimer so it mentions your current role in the log4j, slf4j and logback projects. The reason is naturally to explain your bias. Commented Jul 10, 2012 at 11:47
  • 3
    The essence of my post is that different developers have different preferences which seems beyond dispute. Yes?
    – Ceki
    Commented Mar 2, 2016 at 8:46
  • 3
    Also, j.u.l. added support in 1.8 for Suppliers for generating log messages, which provides infinite flexibility in creating log messages without sacrificing disabled logging performance -- does SLF4J have a functional solution like that or only format string logging?
    – Andy
    Commented Jun 2, 2017 at 2:27
  • 3
    honestly though, I'd love to see 2018 benchmarks on Java 11 (or whatever that ends up being), and against log4j2 in async mode. Commented Jun 12, 2018 at 20:32
  • 13
    Here I am, using SLF4J, and I still have to deal with all the other logging frameworks other libraries use. Using SLF4J does not solve the problem of heterogeneous loggers, it just makes it worse. xkcd.com/927
    – Charlie
    Commented Aug 5, 2018 at 22:53
  1. java.util.logging was introduced in Java 1.4. There were uses for logging before that. That's why many other logging APIs exist. Those APIs were used heavily before Java 1.4 and thus had a great market share that didn't just drop to zero when 1.4 was release.

  2. JUL didn't start out all that great. Many of the things you mentioned were a lot worse in 1.4 and only got better in 1.5 (and I guess in 6 as well, but I'm not too sure).

  3. JUL isn't well suited for multiple applications with different configurations in the same JVM (think multiple web applications that should not interact). Tomcat needs to jump through some hoops to get that working (effectively re-implementing JUL if I understood that correctly).

  4. You can't always influence what logging framework your libraries use. Therefore using SLF4J (which is actually just a very thin API layer above other libraries) helps keep a somewhat consistent picture of the entire logging world (so you can decide the underlying logging framework while still having library logging in the same system).

  5. Libraries can't easily change. If a previous version of a library used to use logging-library-X it can't easily switch to logging-library-Y (for example JUL), even if the latter is clearly superior. Any user of that library would need to learn the new logging framework and (at least) reconfigure their logging. That's a big no-no, especially when it brings no apparent gain to most people.

Having said all that I think JUL is at least a valid alternative to other logging frameworks these days.

  • 1
    Thanks Joachim, I appreciate your post. Your (1) and (2) are to me just history. Long time ago. Your (4) is a consequence of that and then becomes what I call a cyclic argument. Your (3) is however really interesting. Maybe you are on to something? But this would only affect those who are building application containers which at the end of the day is very few people. Or what?
    – peterh
    Commented Jul 6, 2012 at 9:23
  • 6
    Well, who ignores history is doomed to repeate it ;-) History is very relevant in software development. People don't move too fast and replacing existing third-party libraries with standard APIs only works well if the standard APIs work at least as good as the third-party libraries. And they didn't initially (and arguably still don't in some cases). Commented Jul 6, 2012 at 9:27
  • 4
    @nolan6000: I don't know enough about the specifics to go into details about that phrase, and it's not really the point I'm making. Even if JUL is now on par with third-party frameworks, inertia and existing infrastructure is still a strong reason not to switch. For example if library X used slf4j in Version 1.1, switching to JUL in 1.2 (or even 2.0) would be a major problem for many users (who already correctly configured the old system and would have to re-do that for no apparent gain). Commented Jul 6, 2012 at 10:27
  • 1
    @nolan6000 even if you do not care about history, the libraries you use in your applications most certainly do. No fun in having to discard a library simply because it used a different logging framework than you. Commented Jul 10, 2012 at 11:50
  • 4
    Point 3 here is still the most pertinent - it's precisely because j.u.l is part of the platform that puts it at an immediate disadvantage. Any other logging frameworks you can have different frameworks or different versions of the same framework in different classloaders with independent configuration, but j.u.l is on the bootstrap classpath so by definition has to be one set of configuration per JVM. The logging framework is something you specifically don't want to be bundled with the JVM. Commented Jul 17, 2018 at 18:08

IMHO, the main advantage in using a logging facade like slf4j is that you let the end-user of the library choose which concrete logging implementation he wants, rather than imposing your choice to the end user.

Maybe he has invested time and money in Log4j or LogBack (special formatters, appenders, etc.) and prefers continuing using Log4j or LogBack, rather than configuring jul. No problem: slf4j allows that. Is it a wise choice to use Log4j over jul? Maybe, maybe not. But you don't care. Let the end user choose what he prefers.

  • Thanks JB. My question is if I'm really imposing that much on the user/implementer of my library by forcing JUL on him? If he's unhappy with for example JUL's standard output handlers he can just swap them for his own at deployment time as I see it. I don't really see JUL as a straitjacket. It seems to me to be as flexible and extendible as the rest of them.
    – peterh
    Commented Jul 6, 2012 at 9:58
  • 15
    Except the end user could have already done this customization for his own code, or another library that uses log4j or LogBack. jul is extensible, but having to extend LogBack, jul, log4j and God only knows which other logging framework because he uses 4 libraries that use 4 different logging frameworks is cumbersome. By using slf4j, you allow him to configure the logging frameworks he wants. not the one you have chosen. Remember that typical projects use myriads of libraries, and not just yours.
    – JB Nizet
    Commented Jul 6, 2012 at 10:12

I started, like you I suspect, using JUL because it was the easiest one to get going immediately. Over the years, however, I have come to wish I had spent a little more time choosing.

My main issue now is that we have a substantial amount of 'library' code that is used in many applications and they all use JUL. Whenever I use these tools in a web-service type app the logging just disappears or goes somewhere unpredictable or strange.

Our solution was to add a facade to the library code that meant that the library log calls did not change but were dynamically redirected to whatever logging mechanism is available. When included in a POJO tool they are directed to JUL but when deployed as a web-app they are redirected to LogBack.

Our regret - of course - is that the library code does not use parameterised logging but this can now be retrofitted as and when needed.

We used slf4j to build the facade.

  • 2
    Any reason you did not just use the "redirect java.util.logging to slf4j" package in the slf4j distribution? Commented Jul 10, 2012 at 11:53
  • 2
    We did, but to little value because the primary benefit of moving to slf4j is efficient parameterised logging. If we'd used that from the start we would not have had any work to do now. Commented Jul 10, 2012 at 12:03
  • 2
    I agree that this is the low hanging fruit of slf4j. Commented Jul 10, 2012 at 12:46

I ran jul against slf4j-1.7.21 over logback-1.1.7, output to an SSD, Java 1.8, Win64

jul ran 48449 ms, logback 27185 ms for an 1M loop.

Still, a little more speed and a bit nicer API is not worth 3 libraries and 800K for me.

package log;

import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

public class LogJUL
    final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LogJUL.class.getSimpleName());

    public static void main(String[] args) 
        int N = 1024*1024;

        long l = System.currentTimeMillis();

        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
            Long lc = System.currentTimeMillis();

            Object[] o = { lc };

            logger.log(Level.INFO,"Epoch time {0}", o);

        l = System.currentTimeMillis() - l;

        System.out.printf("time (ms) %d%n", l);


package log;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class LogSLF
    static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LogSLF.class);

    public static void main(String[] args) 
        int N = 1024*1024;

        long l = System.currentTimeMillis();

        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
            Long lc = System.currentTimeMillis();

            logger.info("Epoch time {}", lc);

        l = System.currentTimeMillis() - l;

        System.out.printf("time (ms) %d%n", l);

  • 4
    You're not comparing like for like. Why are you explicitly creating an array for j.u.l.? I guess it's because slf4j lacks a one-argument overload of logger.info(). So you're deliberately crippling j.u.l. performance to compensate for a shortcoming in slf4j's interface. You should instead code both methods the way they are idiomatically coded. Commented Dec 17, 2017 at 14:59
  • 6
    You misunderstood it. You don't have to use an additional 800K. The consensus is that the very thin SLF4J api is worth to use because then you (or others who maybe reuse one day your code!) can switch freely among JUL, Logback, Log4j etc. SLF4J is only ~28K. SLF4J to JUL bridge (slf4j-jdk...jar) is only ~9K.
    – riskop
    Commented Mar 22, 2018 at 6:43

Reasons why not JUL:

  1. User-unfriendly API design - The clumsy message arguments syntax, the strange definition of log levels... The list goes on.

  2. It is a logging implementation and not a Facade.

As the quoted blog post points out, it is a NON-goal of Java 9 System.Logger either to define a general-purpose interface for logging. Both SLF4J and Apache Commons Logging have attempted such Facade goal but IMHO both failed by providing too much implementation instead of sticking to the simple goal of a well-defined logging facade. E.g., a real logging facade would never be compared to any logging implementation on "performance" because a facade itself isn't expected to be logging.

Disclaimer: For logging facade, I re-invent the wheel and use my own - https://github.com/elf4j/elf4j/

  • Counter: It is indeed a stated non-goal of System.Logger. Yet, proponents argue that it actually fills the role. It does have the huge advantage that it is always available. So alternative logging facades (slf4j, elf4j, etc) will have an uphill battle arguing why their implementation is vastly superior to System.Logger. Will be interesting to follow.
    – peterh
    Commented Oct 27, 2022 at 7:13
  • 1
    True on the convinience factor for System.Logger. As per reasons why use it for its non-goal, it's a matter of opinion and everybody has one. As an API user, my main thing is always the API design's user-friendliness. System.Logger API is friendlier than JUL but these are still unfriendly to use: A. Numbered, instead of position-based, placeholder for message args; B. Inconsistent argument-supply syntax between log methods that take Throwable arg vs. those that don't. C. ResourceBundle syntactically appears in API instead of "convention offline".
    – q3769
    Commented Oct 29, 2022 at 16:56
  • @q3769 just to point out regarding the numbered-based placeholders - it's a big advantage in cases where you would use translations, and so in general I find it superior. I'm not sure there's a case for it in logging, but who knows.
    – Mor Blau
    Commented Dec 6, 2022 at 12:41
  • 1
    @MorBlau the issue I had with using number-based placeholder in logging was it took much more time when you need to change positions of message args. E.g. when you have 5 args originally, and you want to drop the 2nd, move the 5th to the 3rd, and swap the 1st and 4th, all at the same time... Having to carry the index numbers and make sure they line up correctly becomes a drag rather than help - it's much easier to just read though the natural language order with positional/empty holders. Just my personal take but that was a big reason I stopped using JUL logging API.
    – q3769
    Commented Dec 7, 2022 at 13:34
  • 1
    It doesn’t matter whether your placeholders contain numbers or not. In either case, the changes to the argument list require an adaptation to the message format. If your format string without indices doesn’t line up with the arguments, the result will be a mess too. In the end, you are not independent of the back-end if you have to encode assumptions about the back-end’s formatter. The only reasonable logging API is taking a just a String or Supplier<String>. No ambiguity. Your supplier can use whatever formatting API you prefer or just a string concatenation.
    – Holger
    Commented Feb 2, 2023 at 17:07

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