I updated to Swift 3 and I get this error and I can't solve it.
Type 'Any' has no subscript member
I already read the answers:
39480150 - 38956785 - 39516199
But I couldn't solve my problem with the answers.
This is my code:
let pathperdataselezionata = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "Annuale", ofType: "plist")
let dictperdataselezionata = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: pathperdataselezionata!) as![String:AnyObject]
let valoridataodierna = dictperdataselezionata[annoscelto]?[mesescritto]?![daymonth?] as? [Double]
let Grad = Int(valoridataodierna![0])
let Ampo:Double = valoridataodierna![1]
And I get the error on the line:
let valoridataodierna
Any help is really appreciated.