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iOS Frequently Asked Questions

The iOS-related questions that get asked repeatedly, gathered together in one place. What does a new developer always ask at some point? What are the most common questions when someone is exploring a ...
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18 votes

Android Frequently Asked Questions

The Android-related questions that get asked repeatedly, gathered together in one place. What does a new developer always ask at some point? What are the most common questions when someone is ...
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FFmpegKit in Flutter fails with configuration output on Android

I am using ffmpeg_kit_flutter in my Flutter app to add a text overlay to a video. However, when I try to execute the FFmpeg command, I get an output similar to this: configuration: --cross-prefix=...
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iOS Soft Keyboard Pushes Fixed DIV up instead of dynamically adjusting height

I'm working on a responsive app using React and Tailwind CSS. The layout works as expected on desktop browsers, but I’m having an issue on iOS when the virtual keyboard opens. When the virtual ...
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HLS Stream Stops and Fails to Restart on iOS

I'm working on an iOS app using JWPlayer SDK to stream an HLS video. However, the stream stops and doesn't restart on both emulators and real devices. The output provides the following information: &...
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Connection reset (SocketException) during image upload to Amazon AWS S3 using OkHttp on Android with certain operator

I'm encountering a Connection reset error while attempting to upload an image to an Amazon AWS S3 pre-signed URL using Android Upload Service with OkHttp with Zain network ...
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Expo 52: Android Build Failed After Adding React Native Google Cast

My android build was working flawlessly until I installed react-native-google-cast. Here's the error I'm getting (on npx expo run:android): > Task :app:processDebugMainManifest FAILED [

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Streaming screen record from WebRTC app - route audio to internal

TL;DR How to route remote participants voice in WebRTC call so they can be treated as internal sounds by Streamlabs or similar streaming apps? Long story My game is using Google WebRTC library for the ...
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In iOS, Change accessibility text of a UIView element based on the focus direction

Can the accessibility text of a UIView be changed based on the direction the focus it received. Example: I have a layout as rendered below, Top Label followed by Collection view, followed by Bottom ...
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How to check if a SCNNode's geometry is visible and not obstructed by other nodes in SceneKit?

I have a container with many toy nodes. I want to touch the screen to pick up all the visible nodes. I did a hit test to get the list of all nodes in my touch location. However, some of the nodes are ...
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Android management API onboard a device error

We are using Android Management Api to provision an Android 14 device with the native Google DPC using the '6-Taps at startup' method,and are really struggling to get it working. (We have tried it on ...
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android studio getting Caused by: org.bouncycastle.openssl.PEMException: malformed sequence in RSA private key when trying to run test

i'm trying to run basic test does not include any encryption but im getting this error: caused by: org.bouncycastle.openssl.PEMException: malformed sequence in RSA private key logs: 2024-12-07T23:12:...

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Basics of Kotlin coroutines

Basics of Kotlin coroutines What is a coroutine? A coroutine is a concurrency design pattern that you can use on Android to simplify code that executes asynchronously. They are“lightweight threads”. ...
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How-to guide

Using SwiftData with SwiftUI

One thing we iOS developers should rejoice about is the development of SwiftData, at least if you are coding for a very new project and can forget about iOS versions below 17. We finally have an ...
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