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gradle error Could not resolve all artifacts for configuration ':classpath'

Android studio: Koala Feature Drop | 2024.1.2 JDK: 17.0.11 gradle version; 8.7 gradle plugin version: 8.5.2 these are my settings i dont know what wrong with android studio. it can't even sync and ...
Reza's user avatar
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VSC gradle environment variables

Do you know why environment variables doesn't work with Gradle for java extension ? There is no way to set them in e.g. launch.json or settings.json files. Gradle Version: 8.10.2. VSC Version: 1.96.0 (...
Krzysztof Bończak's user avatar
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Expo 52: Android Build Failed After Adding React Native Google Cast

My android build was working flawlessly until I installed react-native-google-cast. Here's the error I'm getting (on npx expo run:android): > Task :app:processDebugMainManifest FAILED [
Francesco Russo's user avatar
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Android studio can't resolve files for configuration ':classpath'

When I try to run my project in Android Studio, I encounter the following error: A problem occurred configuring root project 'MyProject'. > Could not resolve all files for configuration ':classpath'...
rozhiyak mohamadi's user avatar
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android Task :app:connectedDebugAndroidTest fails with error : caused by: org.bouncycastle.openssl.PEMException: malformed sequence in RSA private key

i'm trying to run basic instrumented test on my android app , to test room database , when i lunch the test , the task :app:connectedDebugAndroidTest always fails and throws the following error ...
kamal douma's user avatar
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Using compileSdk 35 requires Android Gradle Plugin (AGP) 8.1.0 or higher

After upgrade Flutter we facing issue ┌─ Flutter Fix ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ [!] Using compileSdk 35 requires Android Gradle Plugin (AGP)...
Mohan Balaji's user avatar
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How do I make two test roots with the same package name?

I'm trying to implement the following structure in my module. It's a gradle project. ./src/main/java/mypackage ./src/test/java/mypackage ./src/testfx/java/mypackage --I want to add this! I'd like ...
James Rice's user avatar
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Ignoring specific library for a module in Gradle

I have migrated our multi-module Gradle project from Mockito v1 to Mockito v3. As part of the migration, the following libraries were upgraded or added: mockito-core from 1.10.19 to 3.12.4 (and added ...
seened's user avatar
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How can i use a NodeJS npm package in my Android app with Jetpack Compose?

I am making an app for school that's for speedcubers. And since speedcubers want their solves to be legit solves a lot of websites use an npm package from the most popular solving website called ...
Levi Daniels's user avatar
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Netty versions conflict with azure-identity、azure-storage-file-datalake java sdk

I am trying to implement ADLS token credential vending in my project with the following dependencies: // 1.13.1 implementation( // 12.20.0 implementation(
Jun's user avatar
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Artifact checksum is changed after adding env variable in Azure Pipeline

In our project we publish several libraries into Azure Feed. Before we publish new library version we fetch the checksum for the latest version and compare it with the current checksum calculated by ...
treekt's user avatar
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Unable to Build the project

Unable to build the project, working fine in my teammate laptop cross checked with all the configuration but none of them worked help me stuck from 2 months A problem occurred configuring root project ...
gokul pabbiti's user avatar
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Flutter project automatically closed when running in Android device or Emulator

good day! I am currently working on a Flutter project using Java 17, Flutter 3.7.12, and Android Studio. The project runs successfully on Chrome (web) and on a Medium phone emulator (API 35). However, ...
Enrique Ferolino's user avatar
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Android kotlin Failed to upload the mavne configured for all submodules in the root directory configuration, name 'release' not found

child module build.gradle.kts group = "net.xxxx.xxxx" version = "1.0.0" plugins { alias( // 8.7.3 alias(libs.plugins....
skynoface's user avatar
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Java, Android Studio & Gradle: Confused about Compatibility Matrix

I am running the latest version of Android Studio (Android Studio Ladybug | 2024.2.1 Patch 2) and Java 21 (I was running Java 23 before while trying to get it to work with Gradle 8.10 but have not had ...
Goku's user avatar
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