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Ignoring specific library for a module in Gradle

I have migrated our multi-module Gradle project from Mockito v1 to Mockito v3. As part of the migration, the following libraries were upgraded or added: mockito-core from 1.10.19 to 3.12.4 (and added ...
seened's user avatar
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Spring Multimodule Project DeploymentTest Errors

The project structure looks like this sample ㄴ file-sync-data(jpa project) ㄴ ㄴ ㄴ ㄴ pom.xml ㄴ file-sync-start-stream(scdf stream project) ㄴ ㄴ com.test.filesync....
Bh Cha's user avatar
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Code Coverage For Android Integration Tests In Multi-Module App

I am looking for some help generating a code coverage report for Android integration tests in a multi-module project. Specifically I have an app module along with a mix of android and java library ...
Rich Luick's user avatar
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Convert Imported Maven Sub Module to a Maven Project in Eclipse

I have a multi-module maven project which I imported to Eclipse. I did struggle initially to import it with all its sub-modules but per what I remember, the sub-modules were not converted to Maven ...
tarekahf's user avatar
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Swagger UI and APIs of Other Modules Not Accessible in Multi-Module Spring Boot Project After Deployment

I am working on a multi-module Spring Boot project where I have configured Swagger to generate API documentation. The project structure includes several modules like client-management, institution-...
Faisal's user avatar
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Find out dependedncy modules needed by a specific module in a multi-module Maven project

I have a multi module maven project Relevant part of the parent pom.xml: <modules> <module>app-domain</module> <module>app-infra</module> <module>app-shared&...
pizza's user avatar
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Main class name has not been configured and it could not be resolved from classpath

I'm encountering an issue while implementing a Spring multi-module project and need some help. The goal is to structure the modules using Spring and build each module into a container using Docker. ...
Lee Seung Hyeun's user avatar
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Android: Multi module library doesn't work with implementation project without publishing all modules

I'm trying to publish a multi-module library but I only want to publish only want one module as follows: -module main -module data -module domain Sample app should implement only main module (as this ...
Itoun's user avatar
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Android multi-module: How to get the title of a 'game' in the database?

I am building a multimodule gameapp with Compose and Koin dependency injection. Every module manages its own screens and navigation. The structure is this: app: core: |- common feature: |-games: | |-...
KvdLingen's user avatar
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How to create a parent project containing two independent projects in Android Studio [duplicate]

I have two separate Android projects: a camera project and an image editing project. I want to create a new parent project that includes both of these projects and allows them to start independently. ...
Dark White's user avatar
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Xcode|CocoaPods: New files not appearing in SourceTree when created in submodules of iOS project

I am trying to create an iOS project with a multi-module architecture using CocoaPods local path. I use SourceTree to manage git. Currently, I am facing an issue where new files created in the modules ...
dtrognn's user avatar
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When using Apple M CPU I encounter this error "Cannot fit requested classes in a single dex file"

This is not a question about what multidex is! I am using a Macbook with M3 CPU. I have a modular project which has multidex enabled in its main module ("app" module). My problem is that ...
Mostafa Arian Nejad's user avatar
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Why cant a Kotlin library Module depend on an Android Library Module?

I am trying to have this dependency graph: presentation (Android Module) -> domain (Kotlin Module) -> data (Android module) And whenever I make domain to depend on data implementation(projects....
No_Name's user avatar
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Multi module build error :domain:main: Could not resolve project :data

I have a simple multi module structure app module presentation module (Android library Module) domain module (Kotlin library Module) data module (Android library Module) The dependency graph I ...
No_Name's user avatar
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Where to place datafiles in a multimodule project

I have a multimodule project with the following structure: app: core: |- common feature: |-games: | |-general: | |-meaninggame: | |-settings etc. The game needs a list of proverbs whcihb ultimately ...
KvdLingen's user avatar
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