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Kotlin Gradle Multi Module Spring Project Shared Test Dependencies

I was looking a way to create shared test dependencies under test folder in a Kotlin - Gradle - Spring Boot multi module project. For example: -parent-module -child_1_module - scr - main - ...
kokk.nik's user avatar
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"javax.crypto.AEADBadTagException: Tag mismatch while decrypting data using AES/GCM/NoPadding in springboot

I'm encountering an issue while working on encryption and decryption in my Java project using the AES/GCM/NoPadding algorithm. When decrypting the data, I get the following exception: Exception ...
Anudeep T's user avatar
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Gradle sub-project to pick up the postgres configuration for Flyway migration in Spring Boot application

I have the clean architecture project setup Identity | — Core | — build.gradle.kts | — Web | — src | — main | — resources | — | — build....
San Jaisy's user avatar
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VSCode launch.json: Debug a spring boot project configured with gradle

I have a spring boot project that I want to debug in VSCode. I am thus tinkering with the launch.json file. The first version of the launch.json configuration was as such: { "...
Emile D.'s user avatar
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How to Use Spring Boot BOM to Manage Flyway Plugin Version in Gradle?

I'm working on a Spring Boot project using Gradle and Kotlin DSL. I want to ensure that the Flyway plugin version I use is compatible with the version specified in the Spring Boot BOM. However, I'm ...
cmdjulian's user avatar
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react and springboot packaged war deployment on tomcat

I have react frontend and springboot backend. I want to bundle both into a single war file and deploy it on tomcat server (internal/external both works) This is my folder structure: and these are the ...
sudhanshu's user avatar
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Running a large number of tests with gradlew

I have an application that is covered with about 500-700 tests, I need to run these tests using ./gradlew clean build Some tests bring up context. No matter how many times I tried to change the ...
Назар's user avatar
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'publishToMavenLocal' does not work when the dependency block is empty

I get this error if my module's dependency block is empty: Execution failed for task ':model:generateMetadataFileForModelPublication'. > Invalid publication 'model': - Publication only contains ...
blxxd's user avatar
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How to exclude specific endpoint from API generation

I've read topic Generate only one specific endpoint from API But I have a bit different task I want to exclude some specifics endpoint from generation. Why do I need it? We have an experiment that ...
gstackoverflow's user avatar
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Multiple Spring Configurations with same Class name not registered

I have a mustache generator that generates @Configuration for multiple API versions. @Configuration("MyConfiguration{{majorVersion}}") // majorVersion is unique and passed by mustache public ...
rento's user avatar
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Stop packaging application-local properties in Docker image

I have a Spring Boot application that includes several profiles. When I build Docker image using jib, I notice that all these properties files are packaged in the image in /...
Smajl's user avatar
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Simple docker multicontainer gives error on landing page

I am trying to create a simple Spring Boot application with a PostgreSQL database using gradle and Docker. I thought I had implemented it correctly, but when I go to localhost:8080/ I get an error I ...
Mampenda's user avatar
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How can I use Android Package Manager to extract apk meta data in Spring boot project?

I am developing spring boot gradle project with Java. I made an POST api of uploading APK file to S3 Bucket. I want to extract meta data of APK file after uploading the file with using Android Package ...
Nittany Lion's user avatar
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Micronaut in Spring giving error when packaged as bootjar

I am creating an applicaiton with springboot, backend is also using micronaut and micronaut beans. frontend is using vaadin. the application start normally and micronaut beans are injected in spring ...
Aziz's user avatar
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How to publish library when using custom BOM

I'm having trouble finding the correct way to publish a java library to artifactory when the project uses a custom BOM. This project has a multi-module structure - * my-root * my-bom ...
user3344591's user avatar

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