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Is it possible to disable the automatic UPC checksum check in TCPDF?

I'm using TCPDF to generate a page of retail store bin tags. These tags include a 1D UPC barcode. The system has worked for years, save for one problem: manufacturers and/or distributors occasionally ...
JBH's user avatar
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Problems with checksum in ICMP packets in C [closed]

I'm trying to create an ICMP timestamp program in C but i am having difficulties with the checksum of the ICMP packet. After doing the checksum of the packet i do the checksum of the packet again ...
Francisco Ivan San segundo's user avatar
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SQL CHECKSUM returns different values when queried in SSMS and VS (Dapper og Entities)

The project goal is to be able to determine which records needs updating. Two SQL servers, each running Comp.Level 150. One has a view that returns the checksum of several parameters (Uid, DateTime, ...
Henrik Carlsen's user avatar
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Artifact checksum is changed after adding env variable in Azure Pipeline

In our project we publish several libraries into Azure Feed. Before we publish new library version we fetch the checksum for the latest version and compare it with the current checksum calculated by ...
treekt's user avatar
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Output each checksum with its corresponding filename to seperate lines in a text file

I'm trying to output a checksum for six hundred tif files in a directory. I want each line to show the checksum followed by its respective file name. For example: b1039a6f0c4295916a82833f507f5e78 ...
Laura Lannan's user avatar
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How to ensure file integrity when using pre-signed URLs for S3 uploads in Node.js?

I'm working on an application that allows users to upload files directly to AWS S3 using pre-signed URLs. I'm using the AWS SDK for JavaScript and the getSignedUrl() function to generate the pre-...
Gaurav Kumar's user avatar
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Patching UDP checksum when changing some bytes

I'm trying to figure out how to patch the UDP checksum if I change some values in the payload. Assume that I have some 16-bit big-endian values [x_1, ..., x_n] in a UDP packet and I change them to [...
eof's user avatar
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Mistmatching Checksums between CPP client and Cloudflare Worker

I'm trying to upload a file to cloudflare from an embedded device. There a C++ application that generates a SHA-1 checksum before uploading the file std::string generate_checksum(const std::string&...
danielRICADO's user avatar
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yarn install failing with "Integrity check failed ...", but checksums and hashes are correct

When I run yarn install on my project, I get: $ yarn install yarn install v1.22.22 [1/4] 🔍 Resolving packages... [2/4] 🚚 Fetching packages... error
mles's user avatar
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Trying to figure out serial communication checksum

I want to be able to communicate with and setup one of my appliances (a Franke Pura coffee machine) with an ESP32. Communication via RS232 works fine. I am able to sniff the protocol when a computer ...
Stian Pettersen's user avatar
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What checksum is suppose to be in $packageArgs.checksum chocolateyInstall script if the msi in included in the choco package?

If the msi is included in the choco package, is $packageArgs.checksum the msi checksum? Is this checksum only required if the msi is downloaded off the internet? Does choco install use this checksum ...
lee23's user avatar
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Cannot get Fletchers checksum correct in UBX protocol using C#

I am working with the UBX protocol on a ublox 6 GPS module. The ubx string has a checksum and the algorithm used is the 8-Bit Fletcher Algorithm as shown on Wikipedia. The ublox documentation is found ...
user3884423's user avatar
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Hot to handle Checksum Mismatch in Messages Sent from Indiko Analyzer Machine

Body: I am currently working with an Indiko analyzer machine and encountering a consistent issue with checksum mismatches in the ASTM messages sent from the machine. I've noticed that the checksums ...
Buddhika Ariyaratne's user avatar
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How to Calculate checksum for xbee in AT mode

i do some reverse engineering with xbee transmitter in AT mode. its transmission data are as below. Plese help me to understand how its checksum is calculated. I hope last number is the checksum, if ...
Sumedha Roshan's user avatar
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Is it possible to get md5 of the entire table in SQL Server? E.g., by hashbytes

We want to get the md5 checksum of the entire table to verify the consistency of data, e.g. using the hashbytes() function of SQL Server. As an intermediate step in the proof of concept, we figured ...
Mike's user avatar
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