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EditText cursor slightly overlaps hint

Our designer noticed that our cursor slightly overlaps the hint text of an EditText: Upon investigation, we found this appears to be the default behavior for whatever reason, and is even present in ...
Orbit's user avatar
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Navigation Bar showing black strip when bottom Sheet opens in android 15

I am trying to updated to android 15. I have few BottomSheets in app. All of them are showing a strip at bottom which is not part of Bottom sheet in android 15 device. The current theme i m using for ...
Diaz diaz's user avatar
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How to add an ad view in ConstraintLayout at bottom and below other stuff programmatically?

This question may look similar to the following question, but I need help solving my use case. It provides explanations for adding constraints inside the XML file. I'm trying to migrate from ...
Maxim Kirilov's user avatar
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Bottom navigation bar oversized

Bottom navigation bar is displayed incorrectly Here is the code: main_activity: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout ...
Deyn's user avatar
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Why does my android vector icon appear slightly outside of the imageView box?

I have this svg: <vector android:height="14dp" android:viewportHeight="16" android:viewportWidth="16" android:width="14dp" xmlns:android="http://...
Zhen Liu's user avatar
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In LinearLayout, EditText is only displayed partly. Why?

In my XML I have a linearlayout and a EditText within it. When I compile and run the app, it only displays part of the EditText starting from the left as shown in the picture. It doesn't matter what I ...
ThN's user avatar
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The bottom navigation view is a little high in Android

While I am taking Bottom Nav example from android studio new project templet, the view is perfect. But if I create new project with 'Empty View Activity' and implementing Bottom Nav manually, the view ...
plasma's user avatar
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Background color from style is not applied to button when applied by kotlin

I have a style defined like that: <style name="ButtonStyle" parent="Widget.AppCompat.Button"> <item name="android:textColor">@color/white</item> ...
Elikill58's user avatar
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Post Activity XML

How to have flexible post creation feature in an app like the way we have them in social media apps like twitter to enables to add a text ,image,location freely without adding them at the same ...
BALMA's user avatar
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windowSoftInputMode adjustResize doesn't work in target sdk 35

When I increased the target SDK of the app from 34 to 35, the windowSoftInputMode in adjustResize mode no longer worked. I have tested everything and found that it is only related to the target SDK. ...
danial's user avatar
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Nesting coordinator layouts

Layout structure Demo I'm trying to create a dynamic layout with multiple scrolling view. The following are my intended behavior: Scroll event from recyclerView1 should expand and collapse the top ...
Tom's user avatar
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Coordinates for view inside custom view don't match at all

I'm working on a family-tree like app. I use a force-directed layout algorithm to calculate the positions on which the nodes will be placed. The nodes are a custom view that I created myself called ...
schwitzky's user avatar
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Responsive layout to visibility gone

I have a 3 components in xml. linearProgress, tvQuestionNumber, tvQuestion. TvQuestion's some part is here: <TextView android:id="@+id/tvQuestion" app:...
Yakup Kavak's user avatar
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Is there a technical reason ViewBindings doesn't also give you a programmatic inflater?

It seems on each Android release, the layout inflater is getting slower. In many cases, the speed slowdown is 4x between Lollipop and Upside Down Cake. The solution people point to is to ...
johnnyb's user avatar
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How to display counter text in English for TextInputLayout in a multilingual Android app

Description: I'm using a TextInputLayout with TextInputEditText to allow users to enter text in my Android app. I've enabled the character counter with a maximum length of 500, so as the user types, ...
Shubham's user avatar
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