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Connecting ionic Android/iOS app over HTTPS with my Local Server

After changes in Ionic App and Local Spring Boot Server, I see this error when switching to HTTPS instead of HTTP, when user tries to login: [] handshake failed; ...
Nitin kumar's user avatar
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How can I update certificates on winrm when there are two HTTPS listeners?

I have two HTTPS listeners (One Compatibility) on winrm as follows: Listener Address = * Transport = HTTPS Port = 5986 Hostname = <hostname here> Enabled = true URLPrefix ...
mrfreester's user avatar
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SSL certification error while calling huggingface inference APIs via Langgraph & langchain

I am using Huggingface inference APIs for a basic GenAI applciation using Llama 3.2 & mistral. While calling the APIs i am getting the below error: (MaxRetryError("HTTPSConnectionPool(host='...
venugopal rao's user avatar
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How to show specific error message in case of ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID

I have a JavaScript app that can connect to various external IoT devices using HTTPS. The user of the app needs to have the certificate installed from the IoT device in order to connect. In case the ...
Wouter van Koppen's user avatar
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Is it possible to use https url without port if 443 port is not open to outside?

I don't know if it's too specific, but I'll try. We have an API deployed in a server which is located in a network. This network has only one port open to outside. Lets say (4444). Lets say the api is ...
nosumable's user avatar
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Upload a ssl certificate and it gets deleted ( Nginx/K8s)

Some background: our application is running in Kubernetes( GCP ). Ingress is configured via Nginx Ingress controller\Cert-manager. Issue: there was a ssl certificate applied and it was in valid state. ...
user28748447's user avatar
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Indicate several curl options via httr::config(ssl_options = c(LIST OF SEVERAL CURLSSLOPT_) )

How to pass several libcurl options via httr::config(ssl_options = ...), please ? My primary goal is to indicate these 2 arguments : CURLSSLOPT_AUTO_CLIENT_CERT and CURLSSLOPT_NATIVE_CA, in order to ...
Clément LVD's user avatar
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PKIX path building failed - unable to find valid certification path to requested target - AWS EC2

I have two EC2 instances in the same VPN and subnet. Instance one is running Keycloak in a Docker container in production mode. To configure HTTPS, I generated a self-signed certificate using OpenSSL ...
user7337963's user avatar
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Blazor web app, The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure: RemoteCertificateNameMismatch

I deployed my Blazor web app with InteractiveWebassembly render mode with the default prerendering and also Static ssr pages to local IIS, with creating a website and setting its certificate to "...
mz1378's user avatar
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Keycloak 25 (Quarkus) - Alias Cert passwords do not work

I have just finished upgrading from an earlier, Wildfly based, keycloak to Keycloak 25 (Quarkus based). I have everything working except the keystore. We are using a P12 keystore containing a ...
gcerkez's user avatar
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NestJS Backend Works Locally with SSL, But Returns 'Service Unavailable' After Deployment to Google Cloud

I am working on a NestJS application using TypeORM with a MySQL database, and both the backend and the database are deployed on Google Cloud. I've implemented SSL to secure communication between the ...
rajesh parmar's user avatar
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mosquitto_pub reset communication because Alert (Level: Fatal, Description: Unknown CA)

I tried to connect for remote MQTTS server (port 8883), that not mine using mosquitto_pub . mosquitto_pub -h -p 8883 -t "TOPIC" -m "message" -u "USER" -P &...
python3.789's user avatar
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How to add custom command in jenkins deployment?

I'm trying to install Jenkins using the helm chart. And I want to call the command to add local trusted certificates inside the container. I can do it manually, but I'm trying to automate the process. ...
Аркадий Стон's user avatar
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SSL error: The certificate authority is not trusted

While rendering a web view in react native using react-native-webview, I got an error, SSL error: The certificate authority is not trusted. I have also put false to newArchEnabled just to get this ...
Paras Jain's user avatar
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ASP .NET using SSL cert from outside its docker container

I am running an Ubuntu server with a docker container that contains my ASP .NET website. I was able to run it just fine before switching to using HTTPS but now when I run my container, I get the ...
UnSure's user avatar
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