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read_html() in R not returning table from website HTML code

I am trying to extract the Team Statistics and Team Analytics (5-on-5) table from . When I use the read_html() function from the rvest package in ...
Owen Gift's user avatar
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Structural Equation Modeling: semPaths layout

I have a SEM model that contains indicator variables some of which are connected to two latent variables. Due to the many variables, latent constructs and higher order factors, the built-in layouts: ...
Tamas's user avatar
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Loop stops executing without error & how to store loop result after each iteration?

While trying to build insurance model for my R course, I found that Rstudio stops executing the code, not giving any error. For example, I have section where I assign variables: payout_reserve <- ...
Mike_R's user avatar
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How to use the Stata equivalent of a foreach loop in R with mutate()

I have 4 different variables in my raw data (all starting with the prefix raw_), followed by combinations of hours/money and school/social. In my real data, I have many more options for each value of ...
a_todd12's user avatar
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Automate web scraping with R from a server/cloud (without using a PC)

My goal is to scrape some websites in R and repeat this, including some cleaning and formatting, as a routine on a daily basis without having to use a computer. That is, the process probably needs to ...
Dima's user avatar
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ggplotly first bar label half hidden in horizontal bar chart

I cannot understand why my ggplot first bar label is half hidden in the horizontal bar chart below. I don't want to reduce the size of the labels because they would look too small. I tried adding a ...
paolotroia's user avatar
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Among many subfolders, find CSVs starting with a given string and within ZIPs or not, and merge them while adding their names in a new column with R

In a folder (path = "D:/DataLogs/), I have several subfolders. Inside these subfolders, I would like to retrieve all the csv starting only with "QCLog" and merge them (rbind) into a ...
denis's user avatar
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Can I use the MARRS function as alternative VARMAX model for forecasting

I want to forecast my data by R and using varmax model multivariate time series , i have this code i want to chck is it true ? I check arima and arimax code after tht i found var and varx code , so i ...
prwsha stat's user avatar
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Significance indicators are not appearing on a graph in R

I am relatively new to R and having issues with displaying the asterisks for significant differences, even though the ANOVA and Tukey posthoc show p <0.05. I also cannot seem to get the tukey ...
smaksour's user avatar
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Lost on how to separate columns

I want to separate a column of my dataset into different columns. However, the problem is that the column of interest is dirty and does not split the I want. This is the column I have. ...
Samvit0's user avatar
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Read Parquet files from an Amazon S3 bucket into R using the sparklyr package

I am attempting to read Parquet files from an Amazon S3 bucket into R using the sparklyr package. My approach involves configuring Spark to interface with S3 by specifying the necessary Hadoop AWS ...
Nathaniel Suchin's user avatar
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Predicting FPL Player Total Points using Random Forest [migrated]

I have a dataset with around 100k of gameweek stats in the English Premier League (from 2016-2023). My goal is to predict how many total points a player will score in a certain gameweek/match. I ...
Mart's user avatar
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How to plot two raster results in the same graph with the legend of non-numeric variables?

I plot two graphs with the code below: library(sf) library(raster) library(tidyverse) library(RColorBrewer) library(gridExtra) library(grid) plot_simulation <- function(input_file) { Results <...
Nightowl's user avatar
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getting infinite loop in shiny when trying to get value into UI through several levels of submodules

I am getting an infinite loop in the below code in shiny R application (the code is a minimal example that reproduces the issue in my bigger actual app). The code appends a namespace of the button ...
Pavel Khokhlov's user avatar
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is there a limit in pixel/dpi or some other parameter in png devices in R

I am using the biosurvey package trying to run a function (biosurvey::explore_data_EG) that plots 4 panels, which specifically for me are 2 large map rasters at 1km resolution for Canada, 1 biplot ...
Francis van Oordt's user avatar

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