I've run into an issue when trying to distribute my Flutter app to the Apple App Store:
ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file 'Media Converter.app/Frameworks/Pods_Runner.framework/Pods_Runner' is not permitted. Your app can’t contain standalone executables or libraries, other than a valid CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide at https://developer.apple.com/go/?id=bundle-structure for information on the iOS app bundle structure.
I haven't come across any search results regarding this Error in combination with Flutter and I'm totally clueless as where to start looking for the source of the problem.
I'm using the following dependencies in my app:
- cupertino_icons: ^0.1.2
- share: ^0.6.3+6
- flutter_ffmpeg: ^0.2.10
- file_picker: ^1.4.3+2
- image_picker: ^0.6.3+4
- path_provider: ^1.6.1
- flutter_launcher_icons: ^0.7.4
- modal_progress_hud: ^0.1.3
- flutter_document_picker: ^4.0.0
- device_info: ^0.4.1+5
- url_launcher: ^5.4.2
Can anybody help?
Thanks a lot in advance!! Best regards Chris