I have an Angular app that uses a p-fileUpload component that has its [multiple] attribute set to true such that it can upload multiple files at once.
So far this has worked rather well. In particular because I can use the (onSelect) function to pass in all of the files that have been selected to do some error checking.
Problem is I haven't been able to do the same thing and pass in all of the files when a file is removed.
In the ngOnInit() function in my ts file, I add an UntypedFormControl called 'files'
this.form = this._fb.group({
'files': new UntypedFormControl({value: null, disabled: !this.allowFileUpload}, [Validators.required])
In my html file, I implement a p-fileUpload component that sets the 'files' form control to the files selected by the user
<p-fileUpload #fileUpload styleClass="col-12" chooseStyleClass="col-3" chooseLabel="Choose File(s)..."
(onSelect)="form.get('files').setValue($event.currentFiles);form.markAsDirty(); onFilesSelectedToUpload($event.currentFiles)"
This passes the files to the ts file to do whatever I want with them
onFilesSelectedToUpload(files: any[]) {
files.forEach(file => {
What I would like to do is do something similar when the user removes one of the files.
The implementation below doesn't work, though, as there is no $event.currentFiles to pass in when onRemove is triggered.
<p-fileUpload #fileUpload styleClass="col-12" chooseStyleClass="col-3" chooseLabel="Choose File(s)..."
(onSelect)="form.get('files').setValue($event.currentFiles);form.markAsDirty(); onFilesSelectedToUpload($event.currentFiles)"
(onRemove)="form.get('files').setValue($event.currentFiles); onRemoveFile($event.currentFiles)"
Any suggestions?
Thanks much.