I am migrating from Action Bar Sherlock to Action Bar compat. I remove ABS and I had support-v4-google maps in it, I got errors. I will add the v4 directly to the project now to see if it solve, but I want to know:
I don't really understand from the documentation if libraries are redundant or complementing?
Thanks for advice, pointers etc.
EDIT: This is the error that make me added v4 with "external jar... " It solve it.
The type android.support.v4.app.TaskStackBuilder$SupportParentable cannot be resolved.
It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
But if u say i should not add v4 if already have v7 how do I explain it to Eclipse?
Relevant post, the solution was to add v4 here. The hierarchy of the type activity is inconsistent when extending ActionBarActivity
Edit 2: The v4 jar is included in the v7 library project if done following these steps point by point: http://developer.android.com/tools/support-library/setup.html#add-library My setup is :
- Android 4.3 : unchecked
- APrivate Lib: unchecked
- v7-app.../src : checked
- v7-app.../gen : checked
- ADependencie: unchecked
- raw v7 jar : check
- raw v4 jar : check