What happened is that when I move my codes to different lines, and when I CTRL+S, the code automatically get moved to a different line.

enter image description here

What setting in VS Code is this?

3 Answers 3


That's because you have format on save.

You need to go to VS Code settings and search formatOnSave and turn it off


check if the "auto format on save" option is on: VSCode: How do you autoformat on save?

you can also go into the dart plugin's preferences in vscode and change the line length at which formatting the code will auto-wrap it. You can make it however long you want. Just go into settings and search "Dart: Line Length"


For me, I went to the dart extension setting, there is an option of Dart: Enable SDK Formatter. It should be the problem I guess because when I disabled it, everything started working fine.

We can directly search for Dart: Enable SDK Formatter in VS Code settings.

  • 1
    This will disable the dart formatter completely. OP just doesn't want it to run on save.
    – Banana
    Commented Mar 13, 2022 at 16:18

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