I have json from another system, how to store in oracle database? I dont mind if using while or for or what ever, i only hope can store in database in 4 rows without null line as null line provided by another system. I already refer to many question but not find similar case data like mine.

This is then json example

  "ErrorCode": "00",
  "ErrorMessage": "",
  "ServiceList": {
    "ServiceDetail": [
        "Service_name": [
        "AVLAN": [
        "IpAddress": [
        "AggPort": [
          "GigabitEthernet 1/1/10.1000",
          "GigabitEthernet 1/1/10.1001"
        "Service_name": [
        "AVLAN": [
        "IpAddress": [
        "AggPort": [
          "GigabitEthernet 1/1/10.1003",
          "GigabitEthernet 1/1/10.1004"

expected display or store in database

should be

below is my code in php file but it only save the primary

$i = 0;
$x = 0;

$arrayLength = count($array['ServiceList']['ServiceDetail']);

while ($x < $arrayLength)
    $arrayLength2 = count($array['ServiceList']['ServiceDetail'][$x]['AVLAN']);
    while ($i < $arrayLength2)
        $AVLAN1 = $array['ServiceList']['ServiceDetail'][$x]['AVLAN'];
        if ( $AVLAN1 !== null){
        $p_avlan = $array['ServiceList']['ServiceDetail'][$x]['AVLAN'][$i];
        $p_agg_port = $array['ServiceList']['ServiceDetail'][$x]['AggPort'][$i];
        $p_ip_address = $array['ServiceList']['ServiceDetail'][$x]['IpAddress'][$i];
        $p_service_name = $array['ServiceList']['ServiceDetail'][$x]['Service_name'][$i];
        // sql procedure here //

    } // while 2
} // while 1


1 Answer 1


Using foreach instead of while loops spares you from having to count entries and keeping your own loop index.

On the inner level, loop over the Service_name entry, and then use the key of that loop to access the corresponding elements in the other arrays on the same level.

foreach($array['ServiceList']['ServiceDetail'] as $serviceDetail) {
    if(is_array($serviceDetail)) {
        foreach($serviceDetail['Service_name'] as $key => $p_service_name) {
            $p_avlan = $serviceDetail['AVLAN'][$key];
            $p_ip_address = $serviceDetail['IpAddress'][$key];
            $p_agg_port = $serviceDetail['AggPort'][$key];
            var_dump($p_service_name, $p_avlan, $p_ip_address, $p_agg_port);



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