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How I can select two elements to one list with linq

Firstly I need to create string array that include elements came from different properties of one object. At the below code MyDatas is IEnumerable, prop1 and prop2 are string. var array = myDatas....
EsprnzJK's user avatar
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Using LINQ to retrieve multiple records that fit criteria

I have a FE that allows a user to filter based on different criteria. One of these criteria is Business Units. When a user selects this filter the URL looks like this: https://localhost:7206/api/v1/...
shizz's user avatar
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Calculate average of floats array using LINQ

Beginner here, I have a list that stores arrays of floats (each array reflects a vector, if it matters): List<float[]> My goal is to calculate the average values of all these arrays (that is, ...
TonySoprano's user avatar
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Is there an easy way to flatten an array of objects while making an array of the one column that would be different?

I have an array of objects similar to this: class StateVisitor { string FirstName { get; set; } string LastName { get; set; } string StateViseted { get; set; } } StateVisitor[] ...
Dave Matney's user avatar
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How can I skip loop for first and last element of array and set them to constant value?

I would like the loop to start from the second element and to end before the last one. So that I can set the first and last one to constant value. for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j &...
klmtsgw's user avatar
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Cartesian product of an array with itself a variable amount of times?

I want to write a function which returns the cartesian product of an array with itself a variable amount of times. Now, if the number of cartesian products is known at compile time, then I can do the ...
the man's user avatar
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How to export Linq List to Excel Range

I have a list converted from Json having approximately 26 fields. Among those fields I need to select a few as below var use = Data.USEData.Where(x => x.GLMBorrowerName == borrowerName) ...
Sonu Kumar's user avatar
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What's the best way to acquire a list of strings that match a string inside a string, by looking through a string list?

Basically I have a string array that I am using to match inside a single string: string[] matches = { "{A}", "{B}", "{CC}" }; Then I from these I look if I find any of these inside my string: ...
Joan Venge's user avatar
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Looking for an element in a non-Jagged 2D Byte array in C#

I have created a 2D Byte Array with 3 rows and columns (order 3*3 Matrix) and it's not a Jagged Array. var arr = new byte[3,3]; But now I have to know if a specific element exists in the array or ...
Anirudh Kanaparthy's user avatar
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Spliting string in LINQ and using 2nd Index value

I am stuck to split an Email to get the Domain of Email in group by clause of LINQ to group the data by domain. My LINQ is ( from u in DbContext.UserProfiles join ap in DbContext.AspNetUsers ...
Fahad's user avatar
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Why does IEnumerable's Where pass first argument as "this"

I've just started to study on LINQ. The following example uses Where which is one of the standard query operators. string[] names = { "Tom", "Dick", "Harry" }; IEnumerable<string> filteredNames ...
Soner from The Ottoman Empire's user avatar
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Getting a two dimensional array of all possible unique combination of numbers lower than a mixmum for each cell starting from 1

Hello and thanks for your attention. (my mathematical vocabulary for English language is rather limited, if you can think of a better title for this question please feel free to edit and thanks for ...
Soorena Aban's user avatar
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How to add/append some objects into an object array [duplicate]

How to add/append some objects into an object array with C#, I can add a static object but I don't know how to add an object with dynamic. please do me a favor to give me any slight clue to deal with ...
Willie Cheng's user avatar
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Selecting Distinct Items within Array using PowerShell and Linq

I have been banging my head on this problem for a few hours. I have a multi-dimensional array and I need to select the unique items based on two "columns". Is there an efficient .Net or otherwise ...
BDubs's user avatar
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Remove rows where column contains specific text

I want to remove all the rows of the data whose columns contains ? e.g. in around 100 rows for Column Status I am getting value as Unknown?, Error?, InProgress, Done So , I want to remove all the ...
Rahul Sharma's user avatar

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