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Is there a way to set a default value to signal's rxResource() such as signal()

it seems that there is no way to set a default value to rxResource such as classique signals. I do it like that: #errorsResource = rxResource<ParseError[], any>({ request:() => ({ ...
Benoît Dumont's user avatar
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Cant change Angular Materials paginator value after using viewChild signal

I need to change my tables paginators pageIndex and pageSize, my code works well when i use ViewChild, but i want to use signal query, when i use signal query i got this error; Writing to signals is ...
ocanyldz's user avatar
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Why signal values can update UI without any lag but non-signal values sometime may bring lags in ui?

We can use 2 ways of displaying a variable's value in template. Either use a signal or non-signal. I observed that using signals allow to update the UI instantly without any lag, but using non-signal ...
Aneesh Gupta's user avatar
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Angular 18 input signal instead of @Input

Hi I'm having doubt I'm using input signal instead of @Input I'm sending data from parent component one as simple variable like and another as signal name = "ajai" name=signal("ajai&...
Ajai Ramalingam's user avatar
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Angular toSignal's read-only result as a writable signal

In my Angular service, I currently have a signal variable loginById$$ initialized from an observable: public loginById$$: Signal = toSignal(this.getLoginById(), { initialValue: {} as LoginResponse }); ...
Dima Savenkov's user avatar
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Angular linked signal dependent on two other signals

In new Angular (19+) can I create linkedSignal that depends on two other signals? In the example import { signal, linkedSignal } from '@angular/core'; const sourceSignal = signal(0); const ...
Denis's user avatar
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Using Angular v18 resource with HttpClient

I'm trying to update my code to use the new Resource type. The Angular documentation for Resource has this example: const userId: Signal<string> = getUserId(); const userResource = resource({ ...
MageWind's user avatar
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How to set signal-based input value of dialog component instance?

Today, when we use a component in a dialog, we can pass the value of an input this way: @Component({ selector: 'app-foo', template: '{{ data }}', }) export class FooComponent { @Input() data: ...
fservantdev's user avatar
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Angular 18 + Jest - Unable to spy on signal set method

I have a component that changes the value of a signal declared in a service on its initialization. I'm trying to test this declaration using Jest and spying on the set method of the signal, but with ...
Alefe Jamarino's user avatar
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how to replace a service with a Subject with signals?

Say I have a very simple shared service holding a subject: @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class MyService { private _runTaskSubject = new Subject<string>(); get ...
dalox's user avatar
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How to use input signal in service?

I have a component which gets an array as an input signal: export class MembersComponent { members = input.required<Member[]>(); and a service constructor (private service: MyService) {} the ...
Galdor's user avatar
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How do I use Angular's inject within a canActivate function?

In the following canActivate function, I need to get the number of Items in a cart. I inject the CartService for this purpose but am getting an error that inject() must be called from an injection ...
koque's user avatar
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signals return error: is not a function at Object.computation [closed]

this is my cart service code: export class ManageCartItemsService { cartItems=signal<CartProductModel[]>([]); item={} as CartProductModel; } and this is my code for showing cart items ...
goldax's user avatar
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passing an Angular Signal Input value from a service into a component

export class SpecificComponent implements AfterViewInit, OnDestroy { /** Component configuration object */ ConfigData = input.required<Config>(); // some code } Assuming I have Angular ...
mideo mideo's user avatar
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Updating a template using signals within a @for loop is not working

I have been trying and experimenting with a load of different approaches, but I cannot seem to get it working that my template gets updated. Currently the situation: I have an Angular 19 app, ...
donald23's user avatar

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