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Converting [NSImage imageTypes] to UTType array

I am trying to use the new -[NSOpenPanel setAllowedContentTypes:] and looking for equivalent of -[NSOpenPanel setAllowedFileTypes:[NSImage imageTypes]]. Is this equivalent: openPanel....
Marek H's user avatar
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NSImage resizing 10bit image using CGContext

I have 10 bit image file (HEIC, AVIF) loaded using NSImage. When attempting to resize using CGContext I get following message multiple times This method should not be called on the main thread as it ...
Marek H's user avatar
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Convert white pixels to transparency in NSImage / Swift - how to improve?

I've been trying to find a good way to convert white pixels in an NSImage on the fly to transparent pixels. I've seen Swift examples for UIImage, but not NSImage. Below is what I've created (and ...
mdbraber's user avatar
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Huge NSImage memory leak

I'm trying to write a command line program to extract thumbnails from a large number of arbitrary images but am hitting what looks like a fundamental memory leak in NSImage. Even with all the other ...
Rolf's user avatar
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Swift Cocoa - How to load system image "NSCaution" into NSImageView?

I'm trying to load the system image called NSCaution programmatically. I can easily load it with Interface Builder since it's one of the displayed options for NSImageView: However, the following ...
fsctl's user avatar
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Looking for simple example to write text into a NSImage using Cocoa

NSImage *myNewIconImage=[[NSImage imageNamed:@"FanImage"] copy]; [myNewIconImage lockFocus]; [@"15" drawAtPoint:NSZeroPoint withAttributes:nil]; [myNewIconImage ...
JeremyLaurenson's user avatar
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Resizing NSImage producing Image of Incorrect size when saved to disk

I'm using the following code to Resize an NSimage func resizeinbuilt(withSize targetSize: NSSize) -> NSImage? { let frame = NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: targetSize.width, height: targetSize....
techno's user avatar
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CGImageForProposedRect and CGImageRelease

When I load an NSImage with imageNamed, the OS owns the memory, but when I call CGImageForProposedRect, Apple says "This may be an existing CGImage if one is available. If not, a new CGImage is ...
Trygve's user avatar
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NSImage does not Change for Light/Dark Appearances

I am developing a Mac Cocoa app. And I have a set of images to adopt for both light and dark modes. I followed the instructions here:
Wendell's user avatar
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NSCompositingOperation examples anywhere?

I'd like to explore some of the more obscure NSCompositingOperation options, like NSCompositingOperationColorDodge and NSCompositingOperationSoftLight and so forth, to find the right way to implement ...
bhaller's user avatar
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How to prevent rendering artifacts in PDFKit/NSImage?

I'm trying to create a tool to rasterise vector images—stored in PDF files—on macOS, but the resulting images contain artifacts around the edges of some shapes., on the other hand, always ...
Robert's user avatar
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[NSImage window]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7fbb246a9e10 in PyObjC

I'm trying to add an image to an NSPanel, by calling the .addSubvew_(image) method in Python, but I keep getting [NSImage window]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7fbb246a9e10. I'm not sure, ...
Yassine Elshayeb's user avatar
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Converting an NSBitmapImageRep to NSImage

I'm flipping between NSImage and NSBitmapImageRep(because only NSBitmapImageRep lets me find-replace colors per-pixel, but only NSImages can be used in a NSImageView/NSImageCell's setImage). I know ...
Conrad Falloff's user avatar
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In Swift or Objective-C, how to get a jpeg image's current compression factor?

Using Swift or Objective-C in a macOS application, I need some snippet to gather the current JPEG compression factor of an image file. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
Alfonso Tesauro's user avatar
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Add CATextLayer on Top of NSImageView

I'm trying to display text on top of an NSImage.I use the following code let myTextLayer = CATextLayer() myTextLayer.string = "My text" ...
techno's user avatar
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