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Maximum bitmap image size for NSImage or CGImage?

I generate bitmap images with Cocoa using NSImage or CGImage (UIImage would work similar probably) How do I determine what would be the maximum image size I can generate? I guess it should be in ...
MartinW's user avatar
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Refer to an image in folder of Images.xcassets

I have the following structure in my Images.xcassets in Xcode: There is the typical method to set the image using NSImage *image = [NSImage imageNamed:@"confused"]; but is there a way to set the ...
wigging's user avatar
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NSImage to NSData, then to UIImage

I am creating a plist from my OSX app that contains some images. I am writing the image by : [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:self.someImage] Then I am using this plist file as a template ...
Anoop Vaidya's user avatar
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Most efficient way of knowing if two images are the same?

Working in Cocoa right now. Just want an ultra simple image-same algorithm. Doesn't need to be perfect. Just needs to be good enough.
programmervermin's user avatar
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OS X equivalent to resizableImage

Is there an equivalent to the iOS methods -[UIImage resizableImageWithCapInsets:] and -[UIImage resizableImageWithCapInsets:resizingMode:] for NSImage on MacOS X? I've looked at NSImage docs and can'...
Fogmeister's user avatar
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