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NSOutlineView and hierarchical lines

ALL, In Windows when you display a tree control, you can have a vertical lines running from the root down, like in a tree branches. However, I just checked the NSOutlineView documentation here: https:/...
Igor's user avatar
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NSTableView to NSOutlineView Drag & Drop not accepting drop

I have a macOS app that has been working fine for years. Full code base shows no warnings or errors. However after the latest "Recommended changes" in XCode Version 15.3 (15E204a) my ...
Jon Brown's user avatar
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The methods for Drag and Drop in NSOutlineView are not getting called

I'm trying to enable drag and drop functionality for NSOutlineView in my MacOS app. I want to drag a child from a folder to another folder within the outline view. I want test asset 1 to be dragged ...
Ishi's user avatar
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Changing the position of NSOutlineView disclosure triangle and setting up icons for child nodes

I am creating an OutlineView like this: And I want to achieve a view which looks like this: The 2 issues that I am facing are: I cant find a way to move the disclosure triangle between the folder ...
Ishi's user avatar
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Drag to select items on NSOutlineView depending on mouse position

I'd like to create a basic NSOutlineView that mimics macOS Finder 'as List' behaviour. When clicking and dragging the NSOutlineView should either select rows or start a dragging session, depending on ...
floorish's user avatar
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NSOutlineView floating group rows padding

I’ve set up my NSOutlineView to use floating group rows. And it works well, but the group rows which aren’t sticky all have extra top padding? I see no configuration options to remove this. How can I ...
gypsyDev's user avatar
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NSOutlineView with usesAutomaticRowHeights causes log "WARNING: Application performed a reentrant operation in its NSTableView delegate."

What does this warning mean? In my main app, whenever this warning is logged, the outline view begins to behave weirdly after that, overlapping rows and not responding to clicks anymore. When not ...
Nickkk's user avatar
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How would you implement multiple items using NSOUtlineViews's pasteboardWriterForItem:

I am using an NSOutlineView with drag and drop support. There is an NSOutlineViewDataSource function entitled outlineView(_:pasteboardWriterForItem:). This call serializes the item passed into the ...
blackirishman's user avatar
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How to add a plus button next to the disclosure button for group row in NSOutlineView?

I would like to add a button next to the disclosure button like in And I don't want to do it like this in I had a look at the answers in this question but they are about ...
user10711707's user avatar
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Is there a faster way of refreshing newly inserted items than reloadData in NSOutlineView?

When adding a row to my NSOutlineView I'm calling reloadData to refresh the NSOutlineView, like so: [m_dataSource add:...]; // first add item to my data source [m_outlineView reloadData]; ...
Andreas's user avatar
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Swift NSOutlineView & TreeController binding and cell population doesn't work for first column with triangles, but does for all other columns

I have a simple OutlineView and TreeController that I'm linking via Cocoa binding, and for some reason, the first column's cells do not populate with data, but still show their triangles. Any other ...
Swift Goose's user avatar
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How to use NSTextFinder with NSOutlineView?

There is not much information about how to use NSTextFinder and most of them are about NSTextView. I am interested to learn how to use it with NSOutlineView. This is what I have done. On storyboard, I ...
user10711707's user avatar
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Sidebar automatically adjust to icon size change in system preferences

Adopt the new look of macOS - WWDC 2020: here we can see that NSOutlineView automatically scales both the text labels and the symbol images to match the preferred sidebar size in system preferences. ...
catlan's user avatar
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How to print an NSOutlineView with NSVIew.printView

I want to print an NSOutlineView. The view is a subview of a window on screen. I noticed the NSView api call printView. So I tried it in a simple minded fashion. In my AppDelegate I have a call: @...
alangh's user avatar
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How to do both type of drag and drop for NSOutlineView?

How can I do Finder drag and drop style? My ViewController code is something like this. class ViewController: NSViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { outlineView....
user10711707's user avatar

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