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I tried to enable the remove option on cart to remove cart item by adding the some code, result come in following error [duplicate]

I have added the code to enable the remove option on the cart. the following error occurs. Reverse for 'remove_cart_item' with arguments '(2,)' not found. 1 pattern(s) tried: ['cart/remove_cart_item/(?...
Web Extol College's user avatar
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raise NoReverseMatch(msg) as I executed my code [duplicate]

I have added the code to enable the remove option on the cart. the following error occurs. please help me in this regard NoReverseMatch: Reverse for 'remove_cart_item' with arguments '(2,)' not found. ...
Web Extol College's user avatar
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How do I pass an item and an associated formset from the view to the template in Django?

I understand how to pass multiple items in the views to the template, you just pass multiple items in the context. I'm trying to learn to build a checklist app for learning and to have a formset for ...
Ystan's user avatar
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Text formatting inside a HTML button

Edit: I have been able to solve the first part of the issue: having the text to be wrapped inside the button with automatic new lines if needed. Seems that adding white-space:normal was sufficient. I ...
Aristide's user avatar
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Bootstrap tabs not working in Django templates if generated dynamically using dictionary data

I am using Bootstrap4 to generate tabs in django template. The id attributes of the nav-link and the tab-pane are generated using a dictionary. Here is the code <div class="col-md-3"> ...
user1933205's user avatar
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Django-TailwindCSS staticfile distribution not working

I am using the Django-Tailwind library. ( Everything during development on my local machine works fine, i.e. all the styles are shown. But ...
Meursault's user avatar
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Grades and Attendance form POST data didn't save to the database

I'm currently working on a project where I have to input Grades and Attendance of students using Django. I have the forms for both Grades and Attendance but when I tried submitting it, it didn't show ...
jan's user avatar
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How to add event liteners in Django?

I have the following code in html with a js script, but i want to add it to my django forms but i don't know how or where to start. What it does is that it automatically multiplies two numbers as the ...
Perla De la O's user avatar
-1 votes
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Django Admin Action Function Failing - emailing multiple selected users (if "apply" in request.POST)

My implementation uses a CustomUser model. I'm creating a Django admin action that allows me to compose and send emails to multiple users. Everything on the website behaves as though it's working. ...
Dan's user avatar
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Javascript features in Unbuntu when activating credit/debit card fields and others fields using Stripe

I'm using stripe in a POS system that I'm developing for debit/credit card payment method. Thus, in my development environment (DE) which is running on Windows 11, the checkout payment is working ...
Mohamed Abdillah's user avatar
-4 votes
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Static files in Django

I am trying to create a Django project. I created the application under the name blog. In it I have created static and templates folders. static folder has CSS folder where CSS file. It is attached to ...
Aram Madoyan's user avatar
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Multiple forms that are different in a view Django

I was wondering if there was a way to have multiple different forms in a single view and to press a single submit button for the information to be stored. I have the following forms, the first one is ...
Perla De la O's user avatar
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Django : Update sqlite database from html template

I've a database table called 'FormDB. I've written a program for CURD operation. For each row of db data there're two buttons 'EDIT' and 'DELETE'. The edit button is functioning when i give <form ...
Krishna 's user avatar
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Multiple different forms in a view Django

I was wondering if there was a way to have multiple different forms in a single view and to press a single submit button for the information to be stored. I have the following forms, the first one is ...
Perla De la O's user avatar
-1 votes
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When I submit a form, its not save in the database

I am new to django, I am trying to create an online job portal, I create a model for Job post and a model for application, I create a form to submit the application, admin, everything working, I ...
Olayori Oluwafemi Samuel's user avatar

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