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drag and drop image it should display dynamically without refreshing page using ajax.but its not working for me

I need when i drag and drop the images its should display below form dynamically without refreshing the page and also front end and backend validation view <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en&...
ABINAYA V's user avatar
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Add an input box for each dropped file in dropzone

I have a drag drop box with dropzone.js. I allow multiple files upload (max 5 files at present). I have asked to add an ability for user to add description for each uploaded file. The challenges I ...
CFML_Developer's user avatar
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How to upload multiple files using dropzone.js?

My problem is when I drag & drop multiple files that time each image is called a particular ajax. I want to multiple file upload time only one ajax call. I want to choose a single file and drag &...
Full Stop's user avatar
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Is there a working solution to load custom HTML Elements in the vue-dropzone message area?

I've been working around my code using vue-js and vue-dropzone to handle drag-&-drop upload functionality to a site. I added ":useCustomSlot=true" to to the parent html-tag but the content i ...
David Mood's user avatar
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Drag and drop file to specific target

I have a set of elements of media files listed like this. I want to upload a a media file from windows explorer to a specific target of this list(for eg- It should be possible to add file above '...
Arcv's user avatar
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Simple Dropzone implementation in ASP.Net MVC - How can I get data in the Controller?

I am trying to implement Dropzone.js in ASP.Net MVC. I tried everything but somehow I cannot receive the dropped file in the controller. The variable is just NULL. My View looks like this: &...
Beardy Bear's user avatar
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(What's [object Object] ERROR)Using Dropzone.js with laravel5.5

I was following this site to use dropzone to upload multiple images with laravel5.5. But it doesn`t work. When I upload .jpg file an error occurs. For example, [object Object] I want to know how ...
mike's user avatar
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How to remove file from dragzone.js

I used Dropzone.js; file is uploaded, but how to remove unwanted file from save popup box? How to remove file from dragzone.js?
Amigo's user avatar
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How to retain original folder structure in dropzoneJS previewtemplate

would anyone know how to create previewTemplate on DropzoneJS that does not show all the files, but will show folders as well that contain files.
David's user avatar
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How can I handle File drag and drop with a window overlay and multiple drop zones?

I'd like to be able to detect when a user drags a file into the window and pop up an overlay over the whole app that shows the various folders the user could upload the file to. So far, I understand ...
Buns of Aluminum's user avatar
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How can I use dropzone.js to upload files to a SharePoint file Library using SPServices?

I need to add drag and drop functionality to a SharePoint application for uploading files. I'd like to use dropzone.js as it already has much of the functionality needed. Everything must be handled ...
jiy's user avatar
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dropzone.js and field parameters

I'm trying to add a really simple drag-n-drop input on my form. Form processing is done by the platform I'm using so that's not an issue. The upload itself works relatively OK and the image preview ...
user1078494's user avatar
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DropzoneJS: Prevent uploading and displaying unsupported files

For my project I'm using the Drag & Drop library DropzoneJS. It's working nicely, but I want to have a specific functionality that (for as far as I can see) is not supported 'out of the box'. In ...
Martin van Houte's user avatar
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How can I get the size of every image to store it in Database in Dropzone

I want to store the size of every uploading image in database.How can I get the size of uploading images to store it in database in dropzone? Plz tell me step by step as I am new in Programming ...
abdul rafay's user avatar
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Drop Folder in Chrome (55)

I am trying to load a folder via drag & drop from the desktop. The attached code reports the following error when type.isDirectory. error ** A URI supplied to the API was malformed, or the ...
user3094755's user avatar
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