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How can i submit multiple forms which are displayed in while loop to insert rows into mysql?

Iam making a daily report system. its just a hobby project. question is that how can i submit form that is displayed in while loop to sql query. as the form is in while loop, i cannot determine that ...
Muhammad Rohan Ghalib's user avatar
-1 votes
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How insert to MySQL many rows PHP

I'd like to send a lot of rows to mysql. I have a php form that lists all the products (about 200). I don't know how to add all the items to the mysql database ... Is a loop necessary? <form method=...
k_turek's user avatar
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First input data decides the next field's data in form

Not here to ask for help with my code but I'm wondering if is it possible that in a form when I type in a 'name' in the first input, the next field in the form for 'passport number' to be filled ...
Kumaran Deva's user avatar
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Create an Insert form in laravel

I'm trying to create an Insert form in laravel to add new information on a MySQL database, but I don't know how to do it. I have this code, but I don´t know hot to code it in laravel $vide= $_POST['...
HAMA's user avatar
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3 answers

Insert Drop Down Menu Item in a database

I am very new to HTML and PHP. I am trying to create a drop down menu to insert a selection into my database. I have been trying things for hours to get this to work. I have a form a client needs to ...
Bella's user avatar
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How do I add the same random to insert multiple values?

I couldn't figure out this problem where I have multiple records from other tables, trying to transfer to another table. So every time they press insert button, these records will be transferred but ...
DJ CruzC's user avatar
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Insert multiple field values based for a specific id

I have a timetable from a teacher. This teacher has his own classes and she should be able to enter his class-topic from the hour in the database. I am trying to figure out how this is possible. ...
roibubble's user avatar
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Creating an insert statement for orders table html input form is not getting handled

I am trying to create an order form where personell of the restaurant can manually take orders from a customer. and later see what order they have made. my statement keeps refusing to insert this ...
Zaaky's user avatar
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How can I put date, time, and values from radio buttons to database

I have a simple form looking like this: <input class="form-control" type="date" name="date"> <input class="form-control" type="time" name="time"> and couple of radio buttons: <input ...
PinHead's user avatar
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INSERT new book in t1 and include an existent author from T2 to this book

I am a student and I have just started the journey with php and mysql. If there is any mistake regarding to this post, my apologies. I have spent hours trying to do this by myself.. feeling dumb. ...
Rennie's user avatar
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php/mysql dynamic form fields are not inserted in my table

I have a form that has a variable number of input fields, and i now try to get these values in my database. I got this code from another question here and all the replies where implying that they got ...
Awesom-o's user avatar
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Failed to Instert into Form

i am struggling with a PHP/Mysql Problem. I am not really into it, I just got this Script from an Guy who made me my website. Normally the Data which is entered in an form should be sent to an form. I ...
jonsnow1337's user avatar
-1 votes
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Want to Echo variable which is inside a class

I have a OOP program in php to insert data into mysql database.. it is working fine but the problem is that i want to echo the $msg when the data is inserted to display that data is successfully ...
Inam's user avatar
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Subscription form won't send information to database

I have a subscription form with just two text boxes for name and email. I want those information to be stored in the MySql database. When submitting the form, I can connect to the database, but the ...
Mimi's user avatar
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using php to submit form data to MySQL database [duplicate]

I am trying to create a form to submit data into a MySQL database but it is not working. At the moment I have the following error for my INSERT query: PHP Syntax Check: Parse error: syntax error, ...
Nicola Court's user avatar

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