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Web-scraping in R using rvest::session with no "submit"

I need to download pdf documents from this website: My code below selects the year from the first dropdown menu, which populates school ...
Chris's user avatar
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backspace and formatting in form input

Im working on a school project, creating a "webshop" (its just for practice - not real). Im trying to format the input for the users card number so that it looks like: 1234 5678 9101 1112. ...
Albertpinn's user avatar
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How can I set form submit button to disabled until form is empty using useActionState hook?

I have a form in a React app. I am using the useActionState hook to manage form status. How can I set the submit button to disabled until the user enters something in the text input? By using the ...
Daniel Tahin's user avatar
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RevalidatePath only fires once in server side action

So, I am very new to NextJS and I was building an app where a user can sign in and perform CRUD operations relative to the user or even the user himself. The architecture I was following (and I don't ...
Dimitris S's user avatar
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Contact Form 7 - Wordpress - Select Default or user selection not working in Dropdown [closed]

Without any changes to the form template, my dropdown are no longer functioning correctly. They populate with the correct options, however when a user selects an option, it does not populate the menu ...
Chris Metel's user avatar
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Logic error: double click to transition to next step

I have a problem, I have a form of multiple steps. Between each step there is a Continue and Back button to transition back and forth between steps. However, for the Continue button, it requires ...
nikita's user avatar
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HTML form through Google Sheets automatically getting marked as read by Airmail

I'm not tech-savvy. I followed this tutorial to set up an HTML form through Google Sheets. For some reason, the emails are automatically marked as "read" by Airmail, and I have no idea why. ...
Stock Dizzle's user avatar
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Angular Forms - No Data From Html Retrived

Hi there i have a problem with angular forms, i add simple list of forms to my html <div class="tasks-section"> <h2>Zadania</h2> <button type="...
Karol Wolny's user avatar
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<textarea> tag is not rendered properly using CSS with IronPDF

I am attempting to convert an HTML form to a fillable PDF with IronPDF (IronPdf 2024.8.1.3) in Python (3.12.6). The HTML renders appropriately in Chrome. Tags other than the <textarea> tag ...
BalooRM's user avatar
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how can i extract the form information from a .mdb file?

I am after the form specification data - all the parameters you would type in in the design view for a form. I have used jackess to access the .mdb file. I fiddled with permissions on MSysObjects ...
Dave's user avatar
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What's happened to [closed]

I've noticed that the front-end validation library we use is down, including all documentation. Could anyone shed any light on the situation? I've searched the web including Reddit, ...
JoshDev's user avatar
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Using server action useActionState hook in Nextjs

I have a sign in form that is calling a server action and I'm using useActionState to handle the state of the form but I am getting a typescript error Argument of type '(state: SignInFormInitialState, ...
Abdulbasit Yusuf's user avatar
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Create Dropdown menu with Angular Signal with default value and an extra option

I am not sure what's the proper way to set up the drop drop down options. the code I have is not working. please help. this is angular 18. I have an array that is a computed signal, this is the ...
STH's user avatar
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How to clear form inputs in React after submission

I'm submitting data from my form to my email using emailjs service. However when i remove event.preventDefault() function in the formhandler function, no message or mail is sent to my email while the ...
alson's user avatar
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Javascript works on second click but not the first

By Default the textarea = 'Test', If I change to 'Test1' and click on the "Send Email To Selected Merchants" the first time.. It still passes 'Test' in the out div, but then when I click on '...
Michael Peterson's user avatar

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