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How can I set form submit button to disabled until form is empty using useActionState hook?

I have a form in a React app. I am using the useActionState hook to manage form status. How can I set the submit button to disabled until the user enters something in the text input? By using the ...
Daniel Tahin's user avatar
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RevalidatePath only fires once in server side action

So, I am very new to NextJS and I was building an app where a user can sign in and perform CRUD operations relative to the user or even the user himself. The architecture I was following (and I don't ...
Dimitris S's user avatar
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Using server action useActionState hook in Nextjs

I have a sign in form that is calling a server action and I'm using useActionState to handle the state of the form but I am getting a typescript error Argument of type '(state: SignInFormInitialState, ...
Abdulbasit Yusuf's user avatar
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How to clear form inputs in React after submission

I'm submitting data from my form to my email using emailjs service. However when i remove event.preventDefault() function in the formhandler function, no message or mail is sent to my email while the ...
alson's user avatar
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React - multiple form fields dependent button enabling

My React web app has the below layout in a page: a. Common ��Info” section (form) at the upper half. b. Say 4 different “Details” tabs in the lower half. (Also forms) Now I have a button in a. that ...
AKira's user avatar
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useState vs useRef in terms of performance in React multi-input forms [duplicate]

When a state changes for one of the inputs, the whole page is not "rerendered", just that input field, right ? Would useRef give faster performance because there are no renders besides the ...
Matei Dumitrescu's user avatar
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React: “key” Prop Being Spread into JSX Using getInputProps from @conform-to/react

I am encountering an issue where React complains about a key prop being spread into a JSX element, even though I’m not explicitly passing it as part of my props. Here’s the relevant code snippet: <...
Filth's user avatar
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React 19's new form action function doesn't append file object to its formData parameter object

I am building an app with nextjs 15 where react 19 has been incorporated. So, I wanted to use the new formAction way in form which is basically you put a function like ''. I have also added shadcn ...
Abeer's user avatar
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Next.JS/React form, order of execution issue

While working on a Next.JS web app, I have an issue concerning the execution of some code. The relevant TSX code follows: "use client"; import {useState,ChangeEvent} from 'react'; import {...
Michel's user avatar
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JS Conflict Between Custom Widget and Form Calendar Element

I made a widget to add a custom question to the source code from a form created by a drag and drop form builder (jotform) and it works inside a simple form. However, when I add a jotform calendar ...
MMsmithH's user avatar
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Next.js 15 Client and Server Side Validation With Mantine Form and Server Actions

I am using Mantine form for my UI and client side validation: Here is an example of using it: import { useForm } from '@mantine/form'; import { NumberInput, ...
McFlurriez's user avatar
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How to prevent text flicker during input-to-span transition animation tailwind react

I'm implementing an expandable input field that transforms into a span when losing focus. The input expands on focus and shrinks when converting back to a span. While the width animation works ...
Yehezkiel L's user avatar
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Handling server answer with a form (Next.JS/React)

I am working on a Next.JS app and I need a bit of help. To make a very simple login system, I have the React component hereafter : ..... const Login = () => { return( <form className=&...
Michel's user avatar
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How to prevent Form Field Reset on Validation Error When Using useActionState and Zod Validation in React 19/Next.js 15

I'm working with React 19 and Next.js 15. I want to create a form that lets users update the payment amount and currency. Each currency has a different maximum payment limit, and if a user enters a ...
poloniki's user avatar
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React hook form - Handling default non string values with controlled inputs

I'm trying to create simple form with numeric input with controlled inputs but I'm facing an issue with React Hook Form + Yup. What I'm trying to achieve is a simple number input, with no value at ...
Lameday's user avatar
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