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Google analytics batch reports

I have a problem, I am not sure how can I make this work, so i have ecommerce website and since everyone can sell on it i need to make it possible for every seller to see how many page views his ...
Joe's user avatar
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New Dimension in RunReportRequest Reduces Results in Google Analytics (GA4) Python Data API

The behaviour I’m looking to understand (and ideally resolve) has to do with generating custom reports with a new companyId dimension created last week. I notice that with the code below, when I ...
mr. sudo's user avatar
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How to retrieve Purchase Conversion Rate in Google Analytics 4?

I want to build an API to retrieve the Conversion Rates of Purchases via Google Analytics 4. (I understand after reading blogs these are now called 'Key Events') I am new to GA4 so learning as I go. ...
Michael's user avatar
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Google Analytics integration with laravel 10

I am trying to connect laravel with google analytics. I am using package for that. I unable all the settings from google and added credentials file in my project. but it is giving me this error There ...
Mustafa Ahmad's user avatar
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Hello Analytics Reporting API v4; PHP quickstart for service accounts returning blank page

Looking to get an understanding of how I keep returning a blank page (no visible errors) when trying to access the Google Data API. I've followed all of the instructions on this page (https://...
DallasMc's user avatar
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Google Analytics API to get all the data of analytics dashboard

Are there any APIs or documentation to get all the data from the google analytics dashboard?
Vishal Gaikwad's user avatar
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Google Analytics not saving screen_name event parameter

I am using Google Analytics to track screen views in a web-based SPA. On navigation, screen_view event is fired with the screen_name parameter as below: gtag('event', 'screen_view', { '...
user2587370's user avatar
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Google.Apis.Analytics.v3 stops working on July 1 2023?

I have an code implementation to read data from UA. private readonly AnalyticsService service; private readonly IConfiguration _config; private ILogger<PageViewService> _logger; ...
Jeipi Oyams's user avatar
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Automate Data Import to GA4

I am trying to automate refunds report to google analytics 4. I can't find good documentation on importing this data using analytics management API. I came across
noickare's user avatar
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Setup cross-domain tracking for iframe

I want to attribute the purchase event and other events made inside an iframe to the source from where the user came from (Ads/UTM) on the parent page. According to Google (Link below: Manual setup ...
Yasir Naseem's user avatar
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Analytics GA4 - call Api for custom dimension

I try to call custom dimension from Analytics GA4 and my php script don't recognize the customEvent name. The custom event is recorded in google analytics 4 and GTM, it's even recognize in the tool ...
maintenanceVN's user avatar
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Could not import ""

I am trying to create a Google analytics tracking beacon by following this git repo have gotten stuck trying to solve why this one import keeps throwing errors. The specific issue comes from this ...
rom's user avatar
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Data is showing in Realtime but not updating in Overview Google analytics?

I have a site where I set up Google analytics using the Gscript code which I pasted it on header file of my website. Everything was working fine but from yesterday, Data is reflecting in Realtime but ...
Shashwata Nayak's user avatar
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How to integrate google analytics to a Django website dashboard?

I have linked my website hosted on heroku to google analytics. I want to display all the analytics on the dashboard of my website. I tried every stack overflow answer but nothing seemed to work for me....
Om Mengshetti's user avatar
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GA4 client id issue

We are trying to migrate from Universal Analytics to GA4. The issue we are having is that GA4 requires a client_id field which we cannot get in a desktop application (C++). Is it possible to get ...
HeelMega's user avatar
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