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How to detect and connect to Google Cast devices and handle Media Session API?

I am trying to implement a feature that allows me to discover and connect to Google Cast devices (such as Google Nest Hub or Chromecast) directly from a web page. I would also like to handle the Media ...
Michael Ranucci's user avatar
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Chromecast Web Receiver - Change button location for Chromecast Google TV

I've succesfully implemented a web receiver and now started customizing ControlSlots with some ControlButtons like so: const controls = cast.framework.ui.Controls.getInstance(); controls....
YTZ's user avatar
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How to handle ClearKey DRM content on a custom receiver (Chromecast)?

I'm trying to create a custom chromecast receiver that is able to play clearkey protected content. How can i use the clearkey from the receiver side to achieve that.
Jorgy's user avatar
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Integrating bitmovin player in chrome cast custom receiver web app

I am trying to integrate bitmovin player with custom reciver web app but i could not control the player once casted. How to remotely control the player using the sender?
harshith ch's user avatar
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Handling Chromecast load errors in web-based sender

The documentation for a web-based Chromecast sender says that castSession.loadMedia() returns a promise. Therefore, I should be able to catch errors in an async function like so: const castSession = ...
Brad's user avatar
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How to set playback rate from chrome browser?

This one if probably for chromecast API devs. Android and iOS have a setPlaybackRate method, but the Chrome Sender API doesn't appear to have an equivalent feature. Is there a javascript method to ...
Lindsay-Needs-Sleep's user avatar
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How to reconnect / join an existing Google Cast session from Chrome

I'm trying to (re)connect to an existing Cast session from Chrome. I use the (higher level?) Cast Framework and try to follow the CastVideos-chrome example as closely as possible. Options (which, as ...
REJH's user avatar
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Debugging Chromecast app displays error message

I have a custom Chromecast receiver that isn't working and I'm trying to figure out why. When I cast to it from Chrome on my desktop my app starts up on the Chromecast but the Chromecast dialog just ...
user2719094's user avatar
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Get Chromecast to run in a secure context when connected to local dev server

I have adopted a codebase for a Chromecast app for one of our major clients. This has been handed over to me because the original developer has recently left our company. Upon trying to do a handover, ...
Peabnuts123's user avatar
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Namespace change in Google Cast custom sender application

I have an issue with a custom sender/receiver application was written a while back. We recently merged to the cloud and the sender application which is a simple web page was moved and changed its URL ...
uzzum07's user avatar
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Buffering percentage in CAF v3 Receiver

How do I get the buffering load percentage from the Chromecast Receiver CAF v3? I am developing a custom receiver and would like to be able to show a percentage when buffering a stream, so the user ...
Jonas's user avatar
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How to detect loading of unsupported caption tracks in Chromecast SDK

What's the best practice way to detect when an unsupported caption track is loaded (ie, a dfxp caption track)? Options I'm trying to avoid: Filter by MIME type before sending to chromecast (many of ...
Afrophysics's user avatar
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Restrict file access only allow read from google cast

I am using these 2 api to watch the videos of my website on tv, it works fine <script src = ""> </script> <...
Lucas Lecce's user avatar
2 votes
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Google cast v3 CAF Receiver application with DRM url

I am trying to use the v3 CAF receiver app using DRM to casting videos, from my IOS app. If I use the basic v3 CAF receiver app (default receiver) it is working fine, but when I using DRM url (dash/....
Tushar Kadam's user avatar
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How to play without "loading" screen in CAF custom player. (HLS with QueueData)

I want seamless playback multiple video contents. (HLS/using queueData) preloading is works! but when the video changes, "loading" screen is displayed. How i can playback without "loading" screen in ...
torataro's user avatar

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