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Steps to request oEmbed Read permissions for a Facebook app

I want to render an Instagram post in a web view on a iOS swift app and for that I intend to use the oEmbed Read API which gives me back the HTML that I can render on a webview. I have created a ...
Shawn Frank's user avatar
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Why does Instagram Stories throw an error when sharing an image via UIActivityViewController?

I am using UIActivityViewController to share an image to Instagram and other platforms. Here’s the code snippet I am using: let image = UIImage(named: "sample_image")! let activity = ...
ovo's user avatar
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How to share a video (PHAsset / AVAsset / AVURLAsset) to Messenger from an iOS app

How is it possible to programmatically share a video, eg one sourced from the users Photos Library, to Messenger? The Meta Documentation says that its possible to share a URL or a Photo. The header ...
Ric Santos's user avatar
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Facebook Sign-in not redirecting to the app after successfully login

In my iOS swift application I have implemented a Facebook Sign-in. It worked perfectly. But recently when user try to login it is not redirecting to app after user successfully login. Its stuck in the ...
Amila's user avatar
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Facebook iOS SDK login callback not working

I'm trying to implement Facebook login via iOS SDK Following this tutorial: The callback function never gets called on success, it only gets ...
Leo's user avatar
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Facebook login for Business app type is not working

I have created a Business type app on Facebook Developer portal and configured my iOS app with App ID and client token. When user tries to login it shows error "It looks like this app isn't ...
Saurabh Bajaj's user avatar
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When clicking on a facebook post, sometimes I receive fb deeplink and sometimes the universal link of my app

Since recently, Universal links were working well with our app but recently for some users while clicking on a facebook post we receive via func scene(_ scene: UIScene, openURLContexts URLContexts: ...
Alex Ad's user avatar
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Universal links, while clicking on a facebook post doesn't redirect on my iOS app for all users

We have implemented universal links since a moment on our app (so everything should be setted to make the universal links work with the well known and the metadata for facebook), but it seems that on ...
Alex Ad's user avatar
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Implementing Facebook App Events in Legacy iOS Project Without Scene Delegate

I'm working on a legacy iOS project where the AppDelegate file exists, but there's no SceneDelegate. I need to implement Facebook App Events following the guidelines provided here: Facebook App Events ...
sangam pokharel's user avatar
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Share photos and link using FBSDKShareKit on IOS

I am using FBSDKShareKit to share link and images on Facebook. When I share only photos it works fine, but when I share a link and photos at the same time it can only share the link, not the photos. ...
tú nguyễn's user avatar
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How to make App Events work in Events Manager. IOS 14.5+

The overview tab displays actions such as install, open, buy. But there is no data about the percentage of ATE devices for IOS 14.5+. And so also in event testing. Nothing shows up. Looked all over ...
miks's user avatar
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Facebook Login for business stopped working after updating iOS Facebook SDK. Error: Invalid Scopes: opened

My Facebook login, in my mobile iOS app, was working great till I decided to update Facebook SDK for iOS. Now it returns the following error: Looking at my console I have the ...
Alessio Stramacci's user avatar
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How to open facebook share dialog in my app browser when FB app not installed in device. IOS

Hello i am working on sharing and posting images, so i have taken reference from below links: If FB app installed then it working fine but it is not ...
Akash's user avatar
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How to open the Facebook app on a specific profile from your iOS app?

A few days ago, the deep link I used for opening a Facebook profile directly in the Facebook app (if installed) stopped working. It opens the Facebook app, but displays the error message "This ...
Lavinia T.'s user avatar
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Facebook deep link notifications not opening iOS app

I'm new to this FB deep linking and followed all the steps mentioned in the documentation However, when I send the test deeplink from FB Ads ...
Vanitha Vijayakumar's user avatar

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