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417 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
9 votes
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Instagram Sharing to Feed iOS not working (UIDocumentInteractionController)

iOS 14.2, I am not able to share image as described in I can share same image to any other app from this menu correctly (e.g. telegram) ...
Bohdan Rozov's user avatar
7 votes
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facebook swift sdk 0.2.0 swift 3.1 login page stays open

I'm using; swift sdk 0.2.0 and swift 3.1 So, on my viewcontroller (initial.swift) I've import UIKit import FacebookCore import FacebookLogin ... override func viewDidLoad() { if let accessToken =...
code_ada's user avatar
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FBGraphUser in Swift

I'm using the Facebook iOS SDK in Swift to access Facebook and I would like to work with the FBGraphUser (or FBGraphPlace, FBGraphLocation) protocols rather than with a pure Dictionary. The request ...
Jan's user avatar
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Facebook SDK for IOS in FLutter

I'm trying to add the Facebook SDK in my flutter project but i don't know the proper Swift code to put in the AppDelegate.swift. Following this guide I should paste this code: // AppDelegate.swift ...
Guilherme Zamberlam Pomini's user avatar
5 votes
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Xcode says Facebook app id isn't included in info.plist even though I have mentioned it

As you can see, I have included the Facebook app ID in my info.plist file. Everything works fine, until I click the 'login with Facebook' button. After that it stops and throws this error. I am also ...
Kevin Thomas's user avatar
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WKWebView does not detect the video URL of Instagram, Facebook, and Netflix video

I want to detect the video URL of Facebook video and Instagram video but WKWebView gives a YouTube video URL. I already used WKWebView navigation delegate but it does not give the video URL. webView!....
Saood Bukhari's user avatar
5 votes
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Facebook comments plugin - text is lost after login

When I an adding a comment on Facebook comments plugin on logout state, a "Log In to Post" button appears. I press it and log in, the webview is reloading in a logged in state and the text is lost. ...
Luda's user avatar
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iOS9 Facebook Login canOpenURL error

I am having an issue with Facebook SDK 4.6 using iOS9 and Xcode7. When testing on a device, nothing happens when I click the login button and in the iOS Simulator, I receive an error. 2015-10-01 17:...
Wraithseeker's user avatar
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5 votes
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Facebook Login: -canopenurl issue with facebook sdk?

I'm trying to integrate Facebook Login in my IOS app. The error -canOpenURL: failed for URL: "fbauth2:///" - error: "(null)" is suddenly started coming now. My info.plist has following entries &...
crysis's user avatar
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Handle Invalidated Token Alert from Facebook SDK

P.S: Please help me vote up this question since it is really really difficult to find the solution. Below is my code to check if my facebook token is valid or not. var request: ...
JayVDiyk's user avatar
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Facebook Messenger App Link [iOS]

I'm creating an iOS application where I'd like to integrate Facebook Messenger for users to message each other. I've tried deeplinking via fb-messenger://user-thread/{user-id}, which works as intended....
asklausen's user avatar
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4 votes
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Duplicate events Facebook Analytics iOS SDK

We want to stop Facebook Auto Events logging that includes AddToCart, Purchase, InitiateCheckout. We have toggled off Event Suggestions in Events manager and we have also forced through code to not ...
Mohammad Irfan's user avatar
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Facebook Automated Data Collection for an ios app

I built an ios app that uses web scraping for data collection from facebook. After submitting the app to appstore I got a reply to provide documentary evidence for scraping. After searching alot on ...
Aatazaz Javed's user avatar
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Facebook SDK (4.15.1) crashes on Login (iOS8)

I have integrated Facebook SDK(4.15.1) in my app. For iOS9 my app works properly and doesn't crash on user login. If I run the same app on iOS8 device and try to login then app crashes saying: ...
Shailesh Chandavar's user avatar
4 votes
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Using Facebook Async Display Kit in Swift

I want to use facebook async display kit in my project for smooth loading in tableview. I read them GitHub page but it's not clear for me. Can anyone help me to understand it? (ASDK can also be ...
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