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How to remove striping from JS Datatables after applying custom styling

To remove striping on Datatables you add: stripeClasses:[] But I have the following styling added to change background cell color depending on the value of the cell: var table = $('#...
Rockets24's user avatar
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2 answers

DataTable not updating after adding new row in JavaScript application

I'm working on a JavaScript web application that uses DataTables to display a list of instructors. I'm having an issue where the DataTable doesn't update immediately after adding a new instructor to ...
badr aldeen's user avatar
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Row transferring is not working between jQuery datatables that uses ajax call

I am working on an ASP.NET Core MVC project in C#, and I have 2 jQuery datatables (Exclude table and Include table) horizontally aligned. In between these 2 datatables, there is 2 buttons (right arrow ...
KitKat's user avatar
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how can i send the checked row to the first at datatables

This code actually works adding row, however when i checked the primary contact it didnt send to the first row instead it send to the last, kindly help me to fix this. //add row in contact $(...
Bubbles's user avatar
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FixedColumn Not Functioning in DataTables

I am a total noob when it comes to web design and would like to create a datatable with a fixed (frozen) left two columns. I am reading in my data successfully from a JSON file and the information is ...
skolves's user avatar
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This filter in datatables is not working for filtering more than one word

It works properly for one word categories, however if there are spaces in between it doesn't show results.I'm not quite sure how to fix it, can you please check my code and let me know what is not ...
jcdjcdjcd's user avatar
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How can I fixColumn and adjust the content of fixedColumn columns?

Currently I am using a 3rd party datatable library. Here is my configuration when re-rendering the mesh to start loading the input data. _columns: is the list of columns I declared earlier Code: tbl....
Thới Lê Châu's user avatar
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DataTable is not initialized when returned data is empty

We have a dynamic set up of DataTable v1.10.20 to initialize a datatable event if data is empty as it will be filled up with specific data when the select option is selected. Now we updated jQuery ...
heero's user avatar
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datatables not refreshing when Datatables().ajax.reload() is executed

I want to reload the my datatable when a new date is selected in jQuery datepicker. I have the following initialization code: $(document).ready(function() { currentTab = "stopCodeList"; $...
Mark Ainsworth's user avatar
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set fixedHeader datatable yajra

i need add fixed headers to the table create with yajra datatables in laravel 9.28 I have other tables with parameter: ->fixedHeader(true) and when i´m scrolling down, my headers stay in top. In my ...
scorpions77's user avatar
-2 votes
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Datatable is not populating in Laravel

My JavaScript code is like below. $(document).ready(function() { $('#time').change(function() { var time = $(this).val(); var url = '{{ route("",...
abu abu's user avatar
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Display the total sum of a DataTable column in Grocery CRUD 2.0.1

I am using Grocery CRUD 2.0.1 with the DataTables theme under Code Igniter 4.5.1 The resulting table has an automatic filter at the bottom under each column and depending on the used keywords, the ...
Sidou's user avatar
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How to use datatable, in table that append by jquery?

Im still new in jquery, i created a table in jquery and after the table was appended I used datatable, but the datatable had an error I don't know what caused the error. Here is my code: HTML: <...
namarahasia's user avatar
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How to set up DataTables pagination with a POST request

I've scoured the DataTables documentation, particularly here and here, but I can't wrap my head around how to send a data model in my POST request and get back the necessary fields (draw, recordsTotal,...
Nosnetrom's user avatar
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Datatable big data around 40k takes too long to filter

I am currently using the latest version of jQuery DataTables. I have multiple filters and a search bar. However, when I use any of them, it takes about 30 seconds to display the results. According to ...
ShobiDobi's user avatar
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