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In ASP.NET MVC cshtml view with Data Tables Net Bootstrap 5 horizontal scroll headers not aligning with columns

I am using the Bootstrap 5 version of DataTables.Net. The table is set to responsive. What is happening: when the page loads, the column headers are to the left and aren't aligning with the ...
Steve020's user avatar
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How to properly size and center a DataTables table on desktop while maintaining alignment between header and data cells?

I am using a DataTables-enhanced HTML table for sorting and to enable horizontal scrolling on tablets and mobile devices. This setup works well on smaller viewports, where the table is horizontally ...
rogaloo's user avatar
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How do I iterate within columnDefs in DataTables

I'm building a DataTable with SearchPanes, trying to construct custom options, more or less following this documentation:
Marcus Henningsen's user avatar
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How to remove striping from JS Datatables after applying custom styling

To remove striping on Datatables you add: stripeClasses:[] But I have the following styling added to change background cell color depending on the value of the cell: var table = $('#...
Rockets24's user avatar
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Laravel and Datatable server side

I have a problem with Datatables library in my project based on Laravel 10. Maybe someone has had a similar problem and can help. Everything works for me locally, but it doesn't work on the production ...
scully09's user avatar
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Datatable jquery plugin. Sorting by image alt but with some rows without images. Is this possible with a change to the extension?

There is a well documented extension for Datatables that allows for the sorting of data which contains images. This works well if all the entries have an alt tag. In my case my data looks like this: ...
Spencer's user avatar
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Laravel Postcss Vite 0 unenclosed bracket error

New to using laravel and vite. Just trying to include in it. So I created a new laravel project. I added this to package.json "jquery": "^3.7.1", "datatables....
JustMe's user avatar
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How do I set / get the HTML table ID for a Shiny DT table?

My DT output table seems to get a random table ID when it is rendered. I can see the ID when I inspect the webpage: In this case, the id is DataTables_Table_0. Is there a way to explicitly set the ID?...
saheed's user avatar
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Bootstrap Datatables sort for various measurement units not working

I have a column which has length values defined in various units, for eg:- 10mm, 200cm, 500mm, etc., where mm = millimeter and cm = centimeter. I am using the server-side script to get this from my ...
Noob YT's user avatar
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Show Multiple Data in a single cell using datatables

Is there any way to get data from multiple columns and display them inside a cell using datatables column function as shown in the example below. SN Name Category 1 First Cat A: Done Cat B: Done ...
Untamable Beast's user avatar
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How to style and add data-attrs to td-cells via server-side mode in DataTables.js?

Is there a way to pass parameters from ajax which will be converted into class and data- attributes of <td>? I want to generate in ajax.php something like: [ "draw" => 1, &...
Роман Лыжов's user avatar
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Dynamically rendering href in DataTables with Jinja2

I am using Jinja2 with FastAPI. I would like to use a template table made with DataTables wherein I need to customize the table values for different pages using the same template table. In one of the ...
stev's user avatar
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Interdependent numeric fields

I am using Datatables Editor and have 3 numeric fields which are interdependent: when I input a numeric data in the first one, the value of the second one must adjust to be equal to the value of the ...
NALL's user avatar
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Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'sClass') while using datatables

In Index.cshtml: I try to show list of products by using datatables features by using the id="tabledata" on table html tag @model List<Product> <div class="card shadow border-...
Maruf Hasnat's user avatar
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PowerApps have data table values change color if they changed

In my Powerapps I have a data table of the original data. The user will choose some drop down options and the inputs are patched to a collection of the table with the updated values. I’m trying to ...
Jesse Y's user avatar
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