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How to set alignment of a brand new section

in a software project of mine, on linux, I need to create a special section that needs to be populated with 40 bytes large structures. Then I would like to treat this section as an array. For that I ...
mastupristi's user avatar
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Identifiers with leading underscore defined in a linker script

Per the C standard section 7.1.3 Reserved identifiers All identifiers that begin with an underscore are always reserved for use as identifiers with file scope in both the ordinary and tag name spaces....
Eugene Sh.'s user avatar
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how to initialize my values ​in my table declare with an _attribute__((section())), of a section in my linker script

`Hello everyone, I'm new in that domain (linker script and memory section). I have an array that I want to declare in a section of my address space of my processor (neorv32). I do this for various ...
etienne lattion's user avatar
2 votes
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unexpected memory corruption in baremetal environment

i have a simple 32 bit kernel which gets loaded succesfully by a bootloader shown below [org 0x7c00] ; we can also alter the data segment register (ds) accordingly: ; mov ds, 0x7c0 (it will be 0x7c00 ...
alireza's user avatar
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Generate hex file from "c" program using riscv compiler , rodata must be aligned by 4 bytes

i want to generate hex file , that contains rodata as aligned 4 bytes . But my riscv compiler generate hex file ,that contains rodata as aligned 2 bytes. i have tried many methods 1.i have already ...
Raja Gopal's user avatar
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CC2538 bare metal project compile but doesn't work

I'm new to embedded development and I'm currently trying to develop a project for a custom board based on TI's CC2538SF53 microcontroller. I've based the code on some tutorials I've seen online and on ...
Lucas Yotsui's user avatar
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Changing program flash memory address for S32K312 target

We had the application up and running fine on NXP S32K312 target when the program flash address was 0x00400000. When we needed to change the program flash address to start at 0x00440000 in the linker ...
Mohamed NASSAR's user avatar
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error due to section overlap in linker script

I am trying to compile a c program for baremetal riscv core. What I am trying to do is generate random values put them in a dynamic array and send them through ROCC instructions. Here is the c program:...
engineer1155's user avatar
3 votes
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Utilizing same header file for linker script and C program, is it possible?

For example I want to place a special data in 0x100000000, 0x100100000, 0x100200000, ... and for this I want to do in a header file, #define DATA_START 0x100000000 #define DATA_GAP 0x100000 #define ...
Chan Kim's user avatar
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Which part of Embedded toolchain generates the linker script

Which part of the Embedded toolchain is responsible for generating the linker script? And if it is the linker, why would the linker generate a script for itself to define the memory segments? Aren't ...
Ahmed Hesham's user avatar
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Creating a variable under specific section

I'm using linker .ld file to create a section called SECVAR .SECVAR : { *(.SECVAR ) } using the below command in my .c file to create a variable called Dummy under section: unsigned short ...
Priya's user avatar
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How to add symbols from statically linked library to a particular section in linker script

Let's say I have a section in a linker script that describes some really fast ram: .fastram __fastram_start : AT (__fastram_lma) { __fastram_start__ = ABSOLUTE(.) ; *(.fastram....
user678253's user avatar
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Array alignment with different linkers

I'm working on a big embedded project and I'm facing an issue that I cannot explain with my limited knowledge of linkers. I've managed to recreate the problem in a really simple program. I have a ...
Kalendistrien's user avatar
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How can I set an "end of code" marker at the end of my binary?

I have a GNU linker script for my firmware with the following section defined: .endc : { KEEP(*(.endc)); . = ALIGN(4); _end_code_mark = .; } >FLASH This is the last time I'm ...
kokopelli's user avatar
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Stm32 relocating vector table placement in flash

I was trying to achieve this memory structure in my mcu flash My Linker Script declares in the following order Bootloader firmware Main Firmware Main Firmware Image Info (ie. crc, version number) ...
Matteo Vittorio Ricciutelli's user avatar

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