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Masm: Reading video memory directly in ax=12h 640*480 16 color vga mode

I already have a function for writing the dot(cx, dx) directly in video memory and its work. Now I’m trying to write a function to read the color of given coordinate and return its color to al(from 0 ...
user27789527's user avatar
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Shortcut for commenting out code is not working in visual studio assembly language

I'm trying to learn x86 assembly language. The commenting of code isn't working for my visual studio community 2022. When I try to press keys ctrl+k and ctrl+c it's showing 'the key section is bound ...
Dip Pramanik's user avatar
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Experiencing Infinite Loop with Right Triangle Program in MASM Assembly Language

I'm currently trying to make a program in MASM assembly language that will print out a series of right triangles based on an integer value that the user inputs. For example, if the user input is 3 ...
Nicholas Davies's user avatar
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Masm: Writing directly in video memory in ax=12h, int 10h 640*480 16 color vga mode

This is my function of print a dot(cx, dx) using video memory. After calculate the offset di, I don't know how to change the color of the dot, so I ask gpt. Gpt gives me this way but it only shows ...
user27789527's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2022 MASM32 linking problem

Please, help me with linking and compilation of 2 simple files. I tried changing extension of MyProcedure.asm to inc, decorating and undecorating of the name MyProcedure (masm started requesting ...
Joanna's user avatar
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MASM Assembly Program Outputs Incorrect Value When Reading and Parsing File with Irvine32 Library

I'm working on an assembly language program using MASM and the Irvine32 library for a class project. The program is supposed to: Prompt the user for the name of a text file containing temperature ...
rezivor's user avatar
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Simulation of Virtual Memory Management with Swapping and Access Protection in assembly

these are my project requirements Simulated RAM: A region of fixed size to simulate RAM (e.g., 4 MB). Use VirtualAlloc to reserve two memory regions: Virtual Memory: A larger region to simulate ...
M.Umair Farooq's user avatar
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Reading two 20-digit numbers in MASM32

I want to read two 20-digit numbers in assembly and load them to 2 different memory buffers declared in data segment, what is the best approach? I can't convert it to binary, numbers should be ...
jack_vil's user avatar
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Can't compile Linux-written Assembly code in Visual Studio with MASM

I have a bunch of previously working .s assembly files that I wrote several years ago in Linux, but turns out these files can't be compiled using Visual Studio MASM and online assemblers. I don't ...
Shararamosh's user avatar
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Assembly Program for Pascal's Triangle Prints Garbled Output Beyond Row 4

I'm developing an Assembly program using the Irvine32 library to print Pascal's Triangle based on user input (ranging from 1 to 13 rows). While the program correctly displays the first few rows, ...
rezivor's user avatar
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MasmBasic assembly code to encrypt any file problem

I had problem with line 15 test.asm(15) : error A2008: syntax error : , the code include \masm32\MasmBasic\ .data key db "AMU", 0 keyLength db 3,0 Init Let esi = ...
exe apk world's user avatar
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Issues with array size outputting garbage values in assembly

I am using x86 assembly MASM to compute first 41 fibonacci numbers. I initially had an array set to size 41, with 0's. This causes correct output for first 10ish values, with remaining indices being ...
newGuy77's user avatar
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Float number console output via crt_printf in MASM

I need to output float number to console using masm assembly. I decided to use crt_printf from msvcrt.lib library, but instead of my number 0.000000 appears when I run my program. Here is my code: ....
LOTR 315's user avatar
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MASM615 Int 10h works on dosbox but not on windowXP

I use dosbox on Mac and made an assembly program that uses int 10h(bios interrupt call)to draws a square. And it works fine, but when I tried to run the program on windowXP emulator on iPad, it seems ...
user27789527's user avatar
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Problem making a quote appear in the memory windows in Visual Studio

.386 .model flat .data quote byte "Machines do feel",0 message byte SIZEOF quote DUP(0),0 .code start proc mov esi,0 mov ecx,SIZEOF quote LP: mov al, quote[esi] ;get a ...
Human .01's user avatar

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