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php Ajax $_FILES empty [duplicate]

I can't find how to get my ajax function to see the $_FILES array. This is a very common problem and I have read through many posts. Some of those say to load the form data. I tried (the commented out ...
user3052443's user avatar
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Form only sends a max of nine dynamic rows

I have a PHP file that is supposed to send a complex form to an email via the PEAR Mail package using an SMTP connection. the form has a normal (HTML) form and a dynamic one (using JS). The dynamic ...
Septimiu Balica's user avatar
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sending mutiple arrays with ajax and updating SQL from sortable connected lists

I have been struggling with sending 3 arrays to a PHP update script with ajax. The goal is to have three lists on the page (employee, manager, admn) and when the user drags an item from one list to ...
digerati's user avatar
-1 votes
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send data from form with $('#frmadata').serializeArray return raw html code

My problem is about sending data from element input form with ajax [ serializeArray() ], but no luck because the parse_str() always retun NULL value , but actualy the data are existed so I am new ...
palsud4's user avatar
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Sending a multidimensional array with ajax

I have multidimensional array on client side, when I send that array to a PHP server, the array is received as string. My code like this let data_barang = []; var nama_barang = $("#...
Wahyu Sedana's user avatar
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Cannot access Object/Array data in PHP function without getting error

I am currently working on a project with PHP, JavaScript and jQuery and have come across an issue. I am trying to get the PHP function getCountryBorders() to return just the polygon information for a ...
Liam's user avatar
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alert occurs more that one time for each button click in jquery

I have created a section in my php page with jquery and ajax, the response would create a button related to the index of the class of an element to open a modal for each. it is fine so far, but the ...
Hadi Mirdamadi's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I loop serialize data append in formData sent via AJAX in PHP?

I use formData to sent some data via AJAX. //DATA KANDIDAT var data_kandidat = $(".data-kandidat").serializeArray(); //DATA KELUARGA var data_keluarga = $("....
Shota's user avatar
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insert data except the same one(duplicate) in php

i have table item that consists id item_name 1 Table 2 Computer 3 Dress i want to add new item_name but when it show the duplicate value of item_name it won't save the changes. i have tried the ...
lia's user avatar
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Problem Sending FormData to PHP together with string data

I want to send the file data together with string data. I am able to send it from ajax to PHP. But in PHP I can not get correct string data from $_POST[] This doesn´t work. I don´t know how to get ...
Masaru's user avatar
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Accessing PHP array value in jQuery.ajax is not working [duplicate]

I am using jQuery.ajax to send user input to PHP and get an array back. While I alert/console.log the response, it perfectly shows the array in the alert. But while trying to access an individual ...
user3255788's user avatar
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How to pass xml variables to JS via php [duplicate]

So, I'm trying to connect my xml input to Javascript file through php(optional). I have to concatenate the xml input with all the h1 tags of my site. I'm trying to avoid inline javascript. This is my ...
user16347260's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to fetch record from db without reloading a page

How do I fetch my data i.e. movie names from my database on the click of button without refreshing my page ? I am building a Bingo game where I am trying to put an history record button to display my ...
Pooja Mali's user avatar
-3 votes
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Ajax call to PHP action/function with array as data (in wordpress)

I'm trying to push an array from jquery to a php function and I'm out of options to make it work. I've tried multiple options; $_request, $_post, with JSON.stringify, without JSON.stringify, ... But I ...
user3346696's user avatar
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2 answers

Laravel Ajax delete each element from array

I'm trying to delete each element from array that are displayed via Append and as images. Blade: <h4>Menu Images</h4> <div class="col-md-12" id="cardImages"></...
Besart Haziri's user avatar

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