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Symfony serializer with array of entities

I have 2 DTO objects and I need to convert json to it: class SomeDTO { public function __construct( #[SerializedName('some_property')] private string $someProperty, #[...
dfionov's user avatar
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How to map PUT/POST Request with Symfonys #[MapRequestPayload] Attribute to nested DTO

I am currently playing around with the #[MapRequestPayload] Attribute of Symfony. I used it before for flat DTOs, worked like a charm. Now i am trying to map a nested DTO. My SearchResult DTO has one ...
YanKlinkenick's user avatar
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MapRequestPayload cannot map a nested object request body to an Entity

I'm developing a Symfony app and want to use the MapRequestPayload attribute to map the following JSON payload { "article": { "title": "How to train your dragon", ...
Max's user avatar
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MapRequestPayload cannot acces information with hyphen

I have an app in Symfony 6.4 where I use attribute MapRequestPayload to parse incoming data. Until now it worked fine but I've started using external service (mailgun) to get some data and there is a ...
GrzeGab's user avatar
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Doctrine Mysql JsonType Column value returns empty array despite data present

I have Symfony application which I recently Migrated (Only Symfony packages - from 5.4 to 6.4) and one entity has a field of type object A that extends JsonType from Doctrine and is behind 2 ...
Medical_Developer's user avatar
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MapRequestPayload nested DTOs

I want to parse JSON Requests into nested DTOs with MapRequestPayload. The goal is to have the data into the DTOs validated. Example JSON: { "meta": { "locale": "...
Klarkash Ton's user avatar
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Symfony / EasyAdmin : CollectionType display key/value

I store json in a field { 'key': { 'value': 42, 'field': 'IntegerField' }, 'key2': { 'value': 'myValue', 'field': 'TextField' }, } It's a Collection ...
Loïc's user avatar
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SYMFONY DESERIALIZER ERROR: The type of the attribute for class must be one of "Object[]" but ("array" given)

I have a Tags model (not an entity) with a child Tag model array property. class Tags { private array $tags; public function addTag(Tag $tag): bool{} public function removeTag(Tag $tag): ...
Eduardo Fernandes's user avatar
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API Platform only accepts arrays for doctrine type json_array, how can you save strings?

I have a Symfony 4.4 doctrine class like this: /** * @ApiResource( * collectionOperations={ * "GET" = {"security"="is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN')"}, * ...
L.A. Rabida's user avatar
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Sum values from a JSON with Symfony QueryBuilder

I have an issue with a query suming values stored in a Json array. I have a Sheet entity that is joined with a Valid entity. Valid has a field "$dac" corresponding to the Json array. Here is ...
Laura Leroy's user avatar
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2 answers

Symfony 6 Deserializing JSON array

I receive a JSON string containing an array of objects similar to this: {"expert": "foo", "username": "bar", "activity": [{"action": "...
arsrobota's user avatar
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Symfony 6 : JSON login invalid credentials

I have a problem with the JSON login of symfony. I follow this : step by step but it still don't work with this message that make me crazy: ...
Zazou's user avatar
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My JSON response returns the wrong format. Error : SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<', "<!-- [Synt"... is not valid JSON

I want to display in AJAX a list of people to add to these friends in a Symfony 6.2 project. At first everything worked but recently the error quoted in the title is displayed when the event is ...
Easrim's user avatar
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Symfony 3.4 returns plain text header with JSON response

I'm working on a project using Symfony 3.4 and sometimes when I make a request that should return only JSON, I get a response with an HTTP header that looks like plain text. Here's an example response:...
Abhijith A Nair's user avatar
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Symfony - How to specify root to deserialize json array to object using JMS\Serializer

I receive json responses from a certain server to API requests in this format: { "data": { #result here } } But I need to do deserialization of the result itself inside "data&...
NikolaStar's user avatar

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