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bash: conditional statement causes "unexpected end of file" on macOS

When I source the following simple script in a bash shell on macOS (Sonoma 14.4.1), I get "syntax error: unexpected end of file". #!/bin/bash echo "Hello" echo "$SHELL" ...
Curtis G.'s user avatar
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How to use quotation marks with bash regex? [closed]

I want to use a regex in my Bash script like the code below: REGEX='^\s*-.*|^\s*file:\s*["'\''].*' if [[ ${LINE} =~ ${REGEX}.* ]]; then # TODO fi If I execute this in the script in Windows it ...
floriandev's user avatar
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while there is no line 16 but still giving error "line 16 : syntax error: unexpected end of line" [closed]

a=10 b=20 c=30 if [[ $a -gt $b && $a -gt $c ]] then echo "A is the greater number" if [[ $b -gt $a && $b -gt $c ]] then echo "B is the greater number" else echo &...
Gaddam Abhishek's user avatar
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ACR task for cleanup avoiding specific tags giving syntax error

I'm trying to create ACR tasks that would run acr purge command to cleanup of ACR registry. Here is a command for ACR cleanup of 3 repositories, except those with the tag latest : az acr run --cmd '...
AnjK's user avatar
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Postgres Syntax error caused by dash ind CLI command

I have a script with this command /usr/bin/psql postgres -h localhost -U postgres -c "GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE "famdb-develop" TO fullwood;" When I ran it, I got this error: ...
beli3ver's user avatar
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AWK syntax error when the variable output has a full stop in it

I am trying to add this variable (it takes the batch job number and extracts the ID from a text file, with one ID being a new row) so that it can be inputted into the different locations as a variable....
Amy Houseman's user avatar
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937 views 3: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")") [duplicate]

I'm doing a task, but I got an error: 3: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")"). When I try to run my schell script on my local computer server, it works, but on the helios ...
Camilla_T's user avatar
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What is `test ( foo )` / `[ ( foo )` in Bash?

The Bash Reference Manual mentions the following about the test / [ command: 1 argument The expression is true if, and only if, the argument is not null. So far so good: $ test "foo" $ ...
Abdull's user avatar
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How do I fix 'syntax error near unexpected token' when adding Homebrew to my path on Linux using this code?

I m trying to add homebrew into my path via this code Echo 'eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv) "') >> /home/mohit/.profile And getting this error -bash :syntax ...
Mohit kumar's user avatar
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Extract a particular field from json output using jq

I'm working a bash script to extraxt specific field from json output using jq. USERNAME=$(echo "$OUTPUT" | jq -r '.[] | .name') Due to jq it always fails with parse error: Invalid numeric ...
user4948798's user avatar
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Conditional Statement Command Syntax Error in Bash Script

I ran into a command syntax issue for a conditional statement in a script that someone else wrote. The script is as follows (truncated). #! /bin/bash # # Verify file integrity ...
g9s0x1's user avatar
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Syntax error while trying to generate a 2048bit long prime number

I'm trying to generate a 2048 bit long prime number, this is my code so far: #!/bin/bash generate_random() { hex=$(head -c 256 /dev/urandom | xxd -p) bc <<< "ibase=16; $hex"...
chyxo's user avatar
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Weird behavior of bash function definitions inside if statements with the foo(){} syntax [duplicate]

Let's start with a code that works $ cat foo1 #!/bin/bash foo() { echo "I'm here"; } foo # prints: I'm here $ ./foo1 I'm here $ so far so good. Now let's introduce a syntax error $ ...
ychaouche's user avatar
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Parentheses inside command substitution expression

I need to get array of filenames that have .jpg or .png extensions in my bash script. For that purpose I write this command: imagesArray=( $(ls (*.png|*.jpg)) ) which supposed to execute ls command ...
cooleck's user avatar
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Syntax error at beginning of command when running script

I am trying to run a script with ./; and I get an error saying there is a syntax error at or near the "." Am working in PSQL, thanks Edit #1: My script: #!/bin/bash # Script ...
A. S.'s user avatar
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