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Using awk in ksh script

I have a requirement to split a large CSV file using KSH script. I came across below link which is using AWK utility Split CSV files into smaller files but keeping the headers? I tried the same as ...
Jacob's user avatar
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extract rows when column value greater than specified and also incremented at least five times [closed]

With the following input, 08 V 3.8 0.0 23.456 60.459 60.459 09 M 4.4 0.0 24.960 72.301 72.301 10 L 4.4 0.0 25.301 95.197 95.197 11 L 1.9 0.0 25.410 ...
Jalan's user avatar
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Awk matching patterns and removing adjacent lines

I've got the volumetric data from different brain regions and I'm trying to sort it out to make the analysis easier. To get an idea this is a part of what I've got: LT_Putamen 5075 5075.000000 ...
Marcins's user avatar
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getline advances to next file instead of returning EOF

getline is specified to read "from the current input file" and to return 0 at the end-of-file. Both gawk and POSIX docs use this verbiage. It makes sense: Data may be divided between files ...
Potatoswatter's user avatar
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Compare every other column in a file to one column in another file (including non matching records)

I have file1.gz That looks like NC_044998.1 4013 0 TT 2 GG 0 TT 0 TT 0 TT NC_044998.1 4016 0 TT 0 TT 0 ...
Madza Farias-Virgens's user avatar
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How to update JSON file in shell script without using jq?

I am using shell script to update JSON. Previously I used jq command to read/write an JSON object. However it seems not every bash environment support jq command. I tried to resolve this issue by ...
Alfred Chow's user avatar
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Print lines between patterns with awk

Going back to this discussion: Print all lines between two patterns, exclusive, first instance only (in sed, AWK or Perl) The proposed solution fails once the ending pattern is a substring of the ...
Gert Gottschalk's user avatar
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What is the meaning of array index [fp+0] in awk example?

At this page, have this example to work on awk with csv files. The example works very well! But, I couldn't understand the fpat+0 on ...
Gangrel's user avatar
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What's new in POSIX Awk 2024? [closed]

A while ago I stumbled upon the POSIX 2024 (issue 8) specification, and today I'm trying to figure out the differences between Awk 2018 (issue 7) and Awk 2024 (issue 8). For eg. I found out that ...
Fravadona's user avatar
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Linux awk transliterate column base [closed]

I have below data to be translated C1|C2 ABCD|EFGH EFGH|ABCD I want to transliterate only the specific colour, let's say C2. I tried this but awk -F'|' -v OFS='|' -vcol=C2 'NR==1 {for(i=1;i<NF;i++)...
Balaji Annamalai's user avatar
4 votes
6 answers

While using AWK, I'd like to verify that the NF is >= 10. If not, write the line to a reject file

I have an AWK script that is embedded in BASH code. cat MyFile.csv | awk -v reject_file=MyRejectFile.csv "${AWK_SCRIPT}" | <generic loader> And here is my AWK_SCRIPT... AWK_SCRIPT='...
James P's user avatar
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Using Variables Within & Outside awk

I am trying to use awk to detect System.debug statements in .cls files from pull requests, excluding those found within try/catch blocks using: awk ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE = 1 } /try\s*{/ { ...
Kenruth's user avatar
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5 answers

How can you use awk to replace a pattern with an environment variable?

I am trying to write a simple script that will receive a text via standard input and will output everything as it is except it will replace occurences following this pattern: {{env MYVAR}} {{env PATH}...
M.E.'s user avatar
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How do I replace a character and add another one in front of a line one line below of it? [closed]

My goal is to overwrite the / character with a - at the end of a particular line and then insert a - at the front of that line and also at the front of the line one line below it. The test I've done ...
July Elizabeth's user avatar
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What is the effect of the “IGNORECASE” flag on how the “gensub” function works with multi-byte characters? [closed]

I have the 6-byte text file (input.txt). It contains one line of three characters: αβγ The file is in UTF-8. It can be generated by the following command: echo 'CEB1CEB2CEB3' | xxd -r -p > input....
lyrically wicked's user avatar

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