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Updating task scheduler entries to modify task arguments

I am attempting to iterate over many task scheduler entries to modify the task arguments. We have many servers running simultaneously launched scripts, all need to be reachable on the console if a ...
Stack Packet's user avatar
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How do I navigate/change the location of my automated tasks in Task Scheduler?

I'm currently using RStudio for automating these tasks. I can't seem to change the location in the Task Scheduler app as the default location is "" and I can't edit or change it. Tried ...
Kgosi Ngakane's user avatar
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killing a TCl/tk process cleanly in Windows

I'm having to kill a TCL/tk process in the task manager and I want to do it within the batch file. Here is the batch file that calls up the TCL/tk process. START /B sbcl-shen.exe C:\ActiveTcl\bin\wish....
Mark Tarver's user avatar
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Using the Windows task scheduler with an GUI and without an active session

I have a program that only runs on Windows and has no API, I need to log into it and export a csv file every day. Using PyAutoGui I automated the entire process, but I can't get it to run with the ...
Marcus Paulo Marques's user avatar
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schedule a task that runs as administrator privileges

I am developing a malware scanner for windows that needs to run in administrator mode for any user. Is it possible to schedule a task to run in administrator mode? Is there any code available?
user846940's user avatar
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Is there a way to programatically obtain the Task Manager "Users" tab?

The Windows Task Manager (taskmgr.exe) has a Users tab that displays a table of user names, session status, total CPU % usage and total memory usage. Is there a way to obtain this data programatically ...
tjlds's user avatar
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Start instances of scheduled task at windows startup consuming same exe file

I installed 3 scheduled task and triggered them with Windows startup. After disabling hibernation, this worked fine only on one random task after several tries. All of them consuming the same exe file ...
Doe's user avatar
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3 answers

Getting root folder name with PS

I am trying to create a PowerShell script to fetch the root folder's name where in their subdirectories files with error names are present with today's date. Below is the sample code I have tried so ...
Pankaj's user avatar
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Windows Task Scheduler

Currently I am working in scheduling a UI automation python script using windows task scheduler. When I try to trigger the code, using the run whether user is logged in or not option checked, the ...
Swapna S's user avatar
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Only Update Start In field when updating the scheduled task via command promt/powershell

Is it possible to only update the Start In (Optional) field (in GUI) when updating the task via command prompt. Is there like a flag for /tr to specify the executable file and then the location of the ...
Kinowe's user avatar
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The ConnectionString property has not been initialized. Schedule task on windows

I try to run .exe file that is a console application. Normally it works fine but when I use schedule task on windows, it gives "The ConnectionString property has not been initialized" erorr. ...
oakin's user avatar
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Bind to ObsevableCollection not working in WINUI3 app

I am building a semi automatic administration platform to keep track of my daytrading. With a python script I can get information out of the platform and through a pipe it gets to the app who passes ...
Nick de Vries's user avatar
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Windows Task Scheduler Running Executable without reading File

I'm trying to have Task Scheduler run an executable on windows startup. The executable is a simple python script that reads a list of IPs from a .txt, pings them, and repeats after a set interval, ...
Jagrofes's user avatar
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Task scheduler history - get commands and arguments executed for each task already launched - using Powershell

Anyone would know if it is possible to get from the history task schedules, the command and arguments executed of all the tasks ? I have a .ps1 script that obtains from the task scheduler history, ...
Sonia's user avatar
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