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Support rotation in only one tab on both iOS 5 and 6

My app is a scorekeeper with two tabs. Tab one is where scorekeeping actually takes place, and tab two contains history of past games. Only tab one supports rotation, and when rotating it hides its ...
arsenius's user avatar
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ipad Tabbar Customization Notworking

I want to Customize the tabbar of iPad. I have attached The image for Clarify my issue. Currently My Tabbar Like this : I want Like this. I have Taken Custom Background Image for tabbar and ...
Debabrata's user avatar
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UITabBar gets rid of UINavigation item on the top of the screen when it is clicked

I am making an app which has a UITabBar and a UINavigationConroller. When I click around the app, the nav item on top of the screen appears and so does the UITabBar on the bottom of the screen. But ...
Genadinik's user avatar
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ios - how to embed the UITabBarController inside a UINavigationController and give it 3 tabs?

I am finding many existing questions on this issue, but so far they feel a bit more complex that what I need. I am just trying to understand the basics. So far what I did is I put a new ...
Genadinik's user avatar
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changing tab bar title dynamically

My app is in two language and having three tabs. There is a language change button inside my app, whenever changes the title of all tabs have to be changed depending on language.Here is the code I am ...
user1787741's user avatar
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UITabBar appearance works on iOS6 but not iOS 5

I have some code to customize the TabBar. I use the appearance framework to do this. The App is iOS 5+ so this should work as far as I understand it. My code looks like this: NSDictionary *...
thomas's user avatar
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Unable To Add Second Tab Bar to Tab Controller

I have two tab bars in order to have effect like the one shown in Question of Sliding UITabBarItems in UITabBarController Instead of an arrow, I am trying to use tab bar item at last index to show ...
NightFury's user avatar
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iOS Custom Tab Bar Items Taller Than Tab Bar

Ok, so, I'm trying to create a custom tab bar. I've read a hundred tutorials and downloaded half as many sample code projects and this problem seems to still be in all of them. I don't really want a ...
d2burke's user avatar
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How to hide white shadow of tabbar from selected item

is there any way to hide shadow color of UITabBar from it's selected items. for some reason i'm assigning different background images to tabbar on the basis of selected tab index rather than ...
W.S's user avatar
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Tab bar is hiding in after switching back

I've Tab bar application and i will load the other view controller by navigation controller when i come back the tab bar is hiding i searched and i used for(UIView *view in self.window.subviews) ...
Muddu Patil's user avatar
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Custom tab bar size

I'm making a custom tab bar, i add a 320x82 background image and for each tab i have a selection image with height 82. The problem is when a fit the tab bar frame with the background height (82) it ...
douglasd3's user avatar
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Iphone Navigation bar insert png file

I have an iphone app, and i've inserted a png image instead of a text. My issue is, well it's not even a issue but anyways, the image has some pixels in it. it looks a little scratched. with some ...
Tao's user avatar
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ios tabbar put text in the middle when no image

My tabbar consists only of text, no images. The problem is that the text always show on the bottom of the tab, is there a way to position the text in the middle ? Thank you
Dany Y's user avatar
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How to customise UITabBar text label?

does anybody know how to use the Appearance proxy object [[UITabBar appearance] set....]; to customise the color,font and shadow for the selected/unselected label of an UITabBar? thanks a lot.
Claus's user avatar
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Customize the More UIBarButtonItem in UITabBar

Since iOS 5 Apple provided an API to customise the UITabBarItems in the UITabBar object. I am refering specifically to the following selector: setFinishedSelectedImage:withFinishedUnselectedImage: ...
pierrephi's user avatar
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