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iOS - UITabBarItem long titles overlap using UITabBarAppearance

Ever since iOS 15+, developers have had to explicitly set the UITabBar Appearance. Before this, longer titles on tabs would dynamically resize a bit to make sure they didn't overlap. Now, they just ...
Tonyb's user avatar
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How to add these capsule shape behind the selected tab bar item image

I want to make a tab bar with the following features: selectd tab-bar item has this capsule shape around it's icon only , link to desired tab-bar I am creating the tab bar programmatically. Can you ...
Ayoub's user avatar
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Add a circle as a selection indicator above UITabbarItem in Swift

I want to add a selection indicator to a UITabbarItem in Swift, like the following image. I tried to code below but I cannot add the circle above the UITabBar. On viewDidLoad: let tabBar = self....
Louiza A's user avatar
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How to change the position of an UITabBarItem and its title (Storyboard)

I am currently trying to build an app with Swift that has an UITabBarController. I have added a screenshot down below to show the result that I have right now. Screenshot when running the app My goal ...
Feron2000's user avatar
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How to set TabBarIcon color correctly in SwiftUI since .accentColor is deprecated?

It seems quite hard to change the color of the selected UITabBarItem in SwiftUI. To define the design at central place in the app, I tried to use .appearance() to do this, but nothing worked: // Only ...
Andrei Herford's user avatar
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Styling the unselectedItemTintColor UITabBar with iOS 15

I'm having trouble setting the tabbar.unselectedItemTintColor. There is some weird conflict when I try to set both the unselectedItemTintColor and the scrollEdgeAppearance. I can run this code and ...
Chase Roberts's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to shorten tab bar config codes?

I have a configuration code for UITabBarItem but it is too much. Is there any way to shorten this code? I couldn't find any extension for that. let selectedColor = #colorLiteral(red: 0.3921568627, ...
grative's user avatar
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Is there any delegate that serves the purpose of tabBar willSelectItem?

I need to do some UI tasks when user selects a UI tab item. Following delegate is available, -(void)tabBar:(UITabBar *)tabBar didSelectItem:(UITabBarItem *)item Although, to answer for my particular ...
Sazzad Hissain Khan's user avatar
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tabbar middle tab out of tabbar corner

I want to make a tab bar with 5 tab items. I want the middle one ( third ) to be out of tab bar's corner it may be tough to understand therefore I decided to add screenshot I want to make something ...
jemilia's user avatar
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Is it possible to use different colors for focused and selected state on uitabbaritems at tvOS?

In our tvOS app we have a customised tabbar. now additionally we want to change the background color of the focused/selected item. When I do by tabBarAppearance.selectionIndicatorTintColor = .purple, ...
Kai Huppmann's user avatar
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UITabBarController - need to show either of view controller on selecting one of the tabs, depending on certain condition

I have a UITabBarController which has 4 tabs. I want to show different view controllers for second tab bar item. Depending on the condition I want to show the view controllers for that tab bar item. I ...
iosDevSan's user avatar
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UITabBarItem badge colour is showing grey

For some reason badge on one Tab item is showing grey colour. I'm not sure why. It happens only for one Tab, for the rest of tabs it is correct (red colour). How do I fix it? What to look for?
Raymond's user avatar
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Tabbar Items Text Override in Swift 5

Tabbar items text override in large localization strings. I tried below solution and other possible solution but its not working fine. In below solution if number of lines is 2 than its truncate the ...
Lalit Pratap's user avatar
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Tabbar item title to multiline not displaying Swift 5 - Only Working with İPhone 11 series model

I have created custom UITabBarController class and set five tabbar items. I want to set my last item which has index item 4 title/label to multiline. I have set it through code and added custom code ...
Tekhe's user avatar
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UITabBarController resets tab titles color for tabs after presenting new controller

class MainTabBarController: UITabBarController { override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewWillAppear(animated) welcomeNavigationController.tabBarItem....
Yura Buyaroff's user avatar

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